Enron Mail

Subject:Important Notice - New eService Online Release
Date:Tue, 10 Apr 2001 19:26:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Kim Ward/HOU/ECT on 04/10/2001 05:24 PM=

Continental Airlines Inc <Beta_041001@airmail.continental.com< on 04/10/200=
1 01:18:18 PM
Subject:=09Important Notice - New eService Online Release

[IMAGE] [IMAGE] Tuesday, April 10, 2001 Dear continental.com=
customer, We're Changing To Serve You Better This Thursday evening Apri=
l 12th 2001, we are launching a new version of our web reservations system,=
eService Online. This marks the start of an exciting new beginning as the=
reservations platform is 100% provided by Continental. We're making this =
change because our current product, while good, will not provide us with th=
e flexibility in the future to offer the features that will make travel arr=
anging easier and to tailor the online Continental experience for you. He=
re's What You Need To Know: Your Profile Your profile information, includi=
ng your username (KWARD1) and password, has been transferred to the new ver=
sion of eService Online. To protect your personal information, credit card=
information has not been transferred. You will need to update your profil=
e. Your Itineraries Information on your reservations created before April =
12th will not be saved. If you want to keep a copy for your records, you wi=
ll need to print them prior to 9pm/CDT April 12th. This change does not af=
fect the status of any previous reservations and tickets, but you can not v=
iew them in the new eService Online. Signing In To enhance security, you=
will have to sign in for each transaction session to reserve and purchase =
flights. This means you will have to use your password each time. To have=
your password e-mailed to you click here . You are strongly encouraged t=
o sign in at the beginning of the travel arranging process. 24 Hour Hold =
Option To prepare for this Thursday's release we will be turning off the "H=
old for 24 hours" option. The "Hold" option will not be available between =
April 10 and April 12. Here Are Some of the Changes More eTicketing The =
new eService Online offers expanded opportunities for electronic tickets (e=
Tickets). We can now provide eTickets for code share flights operated by N=
orthwest Airlines or Northwest Airlink (CO5000-8059) and America West Airli=
nes (CO2000-2349). Aircraft Seat Maps We rearranged the seat map pages fo=
r easier viewing. We also enhanced the seat selection process and enabled E=
lite-status available seating. Pricing The pricing system is enhanced to=
deliver more current fares based on your selection of either "Search By Lo=
west Fares" or "Search By Schedule." We also added a gold star to denote "=
continental.com promotional fares," so you know for certain when you receiv=
e a discounted, online-only airfare. Customer Service Our customer servi=
ce is streamlined and enhanced as Continental employees now handle all supp=
ort for online inquiries and reservations services. While we've made a nu=
mber of improvements to the overall experience, this new version may not, o=
n the surface, appear to offer significant benefits. These changes lay the=
foundation for outstanding capabilities we have planned for the future. W=
e welcome your comments and suggestions as we move ahead. Based on feedbac=
k from customers, we're already at work adding enhancements. Overall, we'r=
e confident that you will appreciate the changes and improvements and look =
forward to continuing to serve you in the future. Sincerely, Continental A=
irlines Inc. This is a one-time update e-mail. You have been sent this e=
-mail as a registered eService Online user to inform you of this change in =
service. If you have questions or comments, or you would like to unsubscri=
be please reply to: eservice@coair.com This E-mail was sent to: kward@ect=
.enron.com [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09