Enron Mail

Subject:RE: CalPeak Power RFP - Shortlist
Date:Mon, 2 Apr 2001 18:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

I emailed chuck and told him we would be willing to take cash!! I also just spoke with Ann Donnelly and she understands that if she wants us there, she will have to come up with something. She is working on helping us establish the link between united technologies and calpeak as well as provide other info. I will let you know what they come up with.

Thanks for your quick responses!


From: Jason R Williams/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/02/2001 02:53 PM CDT
To: Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Barry Tycholiz/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: RE: CalPeak Power RFP - Shortlist

Kim -

A couple of thoughts regarding Charles Hinckley's email and your pending trip to San Diego:

1. I have scoured all of United Technologies' filings and even their website. I found exactly ZERO references to CalPeak Power, LLC. I'm not saying that CalPeak ISN'T a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Technologies, but I find it strange that I can't find anything on CalPeak in United's filings/online info.

2. If CalPeak is indeed a subsidiary and WILL guarantee CalPeak's obligations, then we are in great shape. United Technologies is A+ rated, with lots of liquidity available in the form of unused lines of credit.

3. If CalPeak will not benefit from a United Technologies guaranty, then we definitely need to see their financials/management notes.

Will they send you the financials/notes before you leave for San Diego?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ward, Kim
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 2:14 PM
To: Williams, Jason R.
Cc: Tycholiz, Barry
Subject: Re: CalPeak Power RFP - Shortlist

J. -

What's your take on this? They want to meet with me on friday in San Diego to discuss a potential deal as we were short listed on the RFP to supply gas to the Calpeak power plants. If we can't get credit established and contracts in their hands, I don't know if we want to waste our time - or money. Let me know what you think ASAP.



---------------------- Forwarded by Kim Ward/HOU/ECT on 04/02/2001 03:09 PM ---------------------------

"Charles Hinckley" <cch@cchinckley.com< on 04/02/2001 12:07:54 PM
To: <Kim.Ward@enron.com<, <adonnell@prmllp.com<
cc: "Lyons, Mark" <mhlyons@earthlink.net<
Subject: Re: CalPeak Power RFP - Shortlist

CalPeak Power, LLC is a project company and is now a wholly owned subisdiary
of Untited Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTC). UTC information is
available at www.utc.com, and from the commercial rating services.

It is not invisioned that CalPeak will benifit from an absolute gurantee
from UTC; however, some credit suport mechanism will be built into the
project and into the fuel supply agreements.


----- Original Message -----
From: <Kim.Ward@enron.com<
To: <adonnell@prmllp.com<
Cc: <cch@cchinckley.com<
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CalPeak Power RFP - Shortlist

< Ann,
< I just spoke with Jay Williams from our credit department and he only
< CalPeak's latest audited financial statements with management notes. Any
< additional information that helps us understand the company and how it is
< set up will be helpful. Sending this information overnight will probobly
< be our best bet. My address is as follows:
< 1400 Smith Street, EB3206a
< Houston, TX 77002
< Also, Jay's phone number is 713-345-3923. Let me know if you have any
< questions.
< Thanks,
< Kim

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