Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Friday's visit
Date:Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:04:00 -0800 (PST)


Thanks for the email. It is amazing what two days out of the office will do to my workload!! I had two RFPs due yesterday - very busy! I am going to work on our 'thoeoretical' deal that we discussed on Friday to see if there is anything there. Hopefully, I can come up with something. Thanks for the info on that.

Call me any time you want to discuss power - I will be glad to share with you what I know.

Thanks again for spending some time with us and hopefully we can come up with a good structure that is good for both of us!!

Have a good day -


Jan_Kennedy@ci.mesa.az.us on 03/26/2001 06:24:05 AM
To: Kim.Ward@enron.com, dave.fuller@enron.com
Subject: Friday's visit

Thank both of you for stopping by to visit last Friday. It was good to see you.
I hope Enron can get some of their "creative juices" going and figure out a way
that the City of Mesa can compliment their gas contract with their electric
needs. I think there are some opportunities out there.

Kim, two things. One regarding capacity releasing: our billing determinant is
14,247 and we can release the difference of this number and what our load will
be. Sorry, I just had to think about it after the meeting. Also, regarding
this matter, one must consider the conditions of pre-arranged deals. There are
some hurdles, but all "doable" once we get our thinking caps on.

Two, I did not realize that you were on the electric side for awhile. I am in
somewhat of a "learning mode" regarding electric and was wondering if you could
just "jam" with me about the electric side. I understand the concepts because
of my position on the gas side, but I want to learn the players and some
strategies. Dave, I think you could teach me a thing or two also.

Let me know.
