Enron Mail

Date:Wed, 18 Apr 2001 19:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hello - so you made it back home OK? My back is itching so I am sure that =
I will peel soon. I havn't had time to go through the hotel bill etc. I w=
ill let you know. When are you coming back to see me ? =20

You would hate that real time job. It is shift work - 12 hour days, 12 hou=
r nights (6 pm - 6 am) and weekends and holidays. It pretty much sucks. A=
nd Bill Williams is about 24 years old!! But a nice and smart guy. =20

04/18/2001 01:33 PM
To:=09Kim Ward/HOU/ECT@ECT

Hi Kimmy. How is your tan holding up? Is your back starting to peel. =20

Do you think there is a possibility that I would like this job? I don't th=
ink so, but I'd like to know your opinion.

----- Forwarded by Suzanne Vann/Enron Communications on 04/18/01 01:31 PM -=

=09Linda Strahm 04/18/01 08:28 AM =09 To: Genevieve Athens/Enron Communic=
ations@Enron Communications, Sharon Atrops/Enron Communications@Enron Commu=
nications, Laura Beneville/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Eddie=
Boss/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Mike Bozarth/Enron Communi=
cations@Enron Communications, Greg Branan/Enron Communications@Enron Commun=
ications, Syni Brent/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Ginger Burr=
/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Jeff Capen/Enron Communications=
@Enron Communications, Jackie Carter/Enron Communications@Enron Communicati=
ons, Tsing Chen/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Cynthia Collett/=
Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Diane Cutsforth/Enron Communicat=
ions@Enron Communications, Ryan Dripps/Enron Communications@Enron Communica=
tions, Chris Groener/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Wayne Hammo=
nd/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Cole Harper/Enron Communicati=
ons@Enron Communications, Steve Higgins/Enron Communications@Enron Communic=
ations, Robin Hilp/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Rhonda Hilton=
/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Debbi Horvath/Enron Communicati=
ons@Enron Communications, Reginald Howell/Enron Communications@Enron Commun=
ications, Rob Kolosvary/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Cynthia =
Kraemer/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Brad Kubitz/Enron Commun=
ications@Enron Communications, Crystal Lockhart-Phillips/Enron Communicatio=
ns@Enron Communications, Lavon Loftin/Enron Communications@Enron Communicat=
ions, Mike Maloney/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Dan Minter/En=
ron Communications@Enron Communications, Tracy Moreschi/Enron Communication=
s@Enron Communications, Gene Nemish/Enron Communications@Enron Communicatio=
ns, Jessica Nevin/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Christine Niel=
sen/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Kevin Olmstead/Enron Communi=
cations@Enron Communications, Pete Padrigo/Enron Communications@Enron Commu=
nications, Dennis Quail/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Annamari=
e Reed/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Brett Sims/Enron Communic=
ations@Enron Communications, John Van Gelder/Enron Communications@Enron Com=
munications, Suzanne Vann/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Kate W=
ebb/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Rusty Weise/Enron Communicat=
ions@Enron Communications, Susie Wilson/Enron Communications@Enron Communic=
ations, Catherine Wright/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Geno Za=
harie/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Tim Marshall/Enron Communi=
cations@Enron Communications, Mitch Baron/Enron Communications@Enron Commun=
ications, mary_gilbert@enron.net cc: Julie Kearney/Enron Communications@En=
ron Communications, Josie Keck-Jarnagin/Enron Communications@Enron Communic=
ations, Julie Young/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Amy FitzPatr=
ick/PDX/ECT@ECT Subject: Real Time Trading Opportunity!=09

If you are interested in being considered for this newly opened position, p=
lease let Amy Fitzpatrick of ENA know. Thanks.
----- Forwarded by Linda Strahm/Enron Communications on 04/18/01 08:26 AM -=

=09Amy FitzPatrick@ECT 04/17/01 08:40 AM =09 To: Linda Strahm/Enron Commu=
nications@Enron Communications cc: Subject: Real Time Trading Opportunit=

Here is another position which has become available.

---------------------- Forwarded by Amy FitzPatrick/PDX/ECT on 04/17/2001 0=
8:48 AM ---------------------------

Amy FitzPatrick
04/17/2001 08:39 AM
To:=09Portland West Desk
Subject:=09Real Time Trading Opportunity!

A position has recently become available in the Real Time Trading group rep=
orting to Bill Williams. Interested candidates should let Amy FitzPatrick =
know by close of business on Monday, April 23, 2001.

Real Time Trading
Real Time Trading is responsible for the physical and financial integrity o=
f prescheduled energy transactions. This includes managing curtailed sched=
ules and preserving Enron's financial rights with non-performing trading co=
unterparties. The group is required to maintain records and update databas=
es that explain supply or market interruptions in order to minimize custome=
r billing dispute issues.

In addition, Real Time Trading is responsible for the hourly trading of ene=
rgy in the California ISO and bilateral markets. Traders are expected to i=
nitiate profitable trades while maintaining an acceptable amount of risk ex=
posure to the company. The group is expected to know all settlements requi=
rements and charges related to each type of trade. Each trader is capable =
of interfacing with customers and responding to internal and external billi=
ng inquiries.

Real Time is required to administer terms of Service Desk contracts, which =
may include the selling of excess generation and purchasing energy for cust=
omer's load requirement. Also, each trader is responsible for gathering an=
d reporting information on unit outages, transmission line derations and ot=
her information that is useful for all West Desk Trading activity.

Job Duties
?=09Confirm purchases and sale of power for Enron Power Marketing
?=09Work closely with volume, risk management, and dispute settlement group=
?=09Aid in preparation of price and deal reports and assist in the resoluti=
on of volume/price discrepancies
?=09Interface with service and middle marketing customers to resolve real-t=
ime questions and concerns=20
?=09Assist in testing and implementation of FSP and OATI real-time tagging
?=09Work closely with information technology and fundamentals group to main=
tain and develop Real-Time tools and systems

?=09Bachelors in Finance, Business, Accounting or related field
?=091 to 2 years of previous power industry experience in WSCC is preferred=
?=09Excellent problem solving and communication skills
?=09Working knowledge of Excel, Access, Visual Basic and SQL
?=09Self motivated
?=09Detail oriented