Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 17:37:52 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] As a courtesy to our sponsors, who enable EquityA=
lert.com to provide you with FREE news alerts, we respectfully ask that yo=
u view the following advertisement at your convenience. 90% REDUCTIO=
Special Situations Alert presents Torbay Holdings, Inc. (OTC BB: TRBY) ? =
bringing innovative products to the marketplace. Heralded as the ne=
xt generation in mouse technology, TRBY?s KAT Computer Mouse design has be=
en proven in clinical studies to reduce carpal nerve extension ? the acti=
on that results in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ? from 11% to less than 1%, a 90=
% reduction! An estimated 65% of industry related injury claims are =
due to Repetitive Strain Syndrome, of which Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a s=
ignificant part ? representing significant opportunity for TRBY. [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] Torbay's KAT Catches Media, Investor Attention NEW Y=
ORK, Nov 8, 2001 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- After announcing its acquisition of th=
e groundbreaking KAT(SM) computer mouse, Torbay Holdings, Inc. (OTC:BB,TRB=
Y), has received a favorable response from the media and investing communi=
ty. Tom Large, Torbay CEO, was recently interviewed for a CEOcast profile =
http://www.ceocast.com ). Further, the company has been the recipient of =
strong interest from a major New York investment firm, with discussions co=
ntinuing. The KAT's medically conceived ergonomic design has been hail=
ed as a breakthrough in computer mouse technology. It has been proven in =
clinical studies to alleviate carpal tunnel syndrome, a common workplace i=
njury resulting from computer use. Given that over half of all worker inju=
ry claims are related to Repetitive Strain Syndrome, of which carpal tunne=
l syndrome is a significant part, the implications for appreciably reduci=
ng worker injury claims is significant. CEO Tom Large stated: "I am pleas=
ed with the response to our announcement, as we are about to commence a ma=
jor promotional campaign. If the reaction to date reflects future interest=
, then Torbay should very quickly begin to see its full value realized." =
Outlets for the manufacture and distribution of the KAT have been establ=
ished in the US, Europe and the Far East, with official production dates t=
o be announced in the near future. About Torbay: The mission of Torbay Ho=
ldings, Inc. is to identify and develop select intellectual property asset=
s of newly emerging technologies. These assets will be new iterations of =
existing market products with a known user base and established distributi=
on channels, so that product potential can easily be maximized. The compan=
y's goal is to continually increase the value of the company's asset base =
by improving or redefining product functionality or application on the bas=
is of user need or perceived value. Safe Harbor Statement under the Priv=
ate Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements contained her=
ein which are not historical are forward-looking statements that are subj=
ect to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ m=
aterially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, includin=
g, but not limited to, certain delays beyond the company's control with re=
spect to market acceptance of new technologies or products, delays in tes=
ting and evaluation of products, and other risks detailed from time to tim=
e In the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. =
ose of this advertisement, like any advertising, is to provide coverage a=
nd publicity for the advertising company, its products or services. The in=
formation provided in this advertisement is not intended for distribution =
to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where s=
uch distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which wo=
uld subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction o=
r country. Verify all claims and do your own due diligence. This advertise=
ment is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell or hold securiti=
es and does not provide an analysis of the financial position of the compa=
ny. We recommend you use the information found in this advertisement as an=
initial starting point for conducting your own research on the advertised=
company in order to determine your own personal opinion of the company b=
efore investing. All information concerning the advertised company contain=
ed herein should be verified independently by an attorney, with such compa=
ny and an independent licensed securities analyst. We are not offering sec=
urities for sale. An offer to buy or sell can be made only with accompanyi=
ng disclosure documents and only in the states and provinces for which th=
ey are approved. Many states have established rules requiring the approval=
of a security by a state security administrator. Check with http://www.=
nasaa.org and call your state security administrator to determine whether=
a particular security is licensed for sale in your state. Many companies =
have information filed with state securities regulators and many will supp=
ly investors with additional information on request. All statements and o=
pinions contained in this advertisement are the sole opinion of the author=
s and are subject to change without notice. We are not liable for any inve=
stment decisions by our readers. Readers should independently investigate =
and fully understand all risks before investing. It is strongly recommende=
d that any purchase or sale decision be discussed with a financial advise=
r or broker prior to completing any such purchase or sale decision. We are=
not registered investment advisers, or broker-dealers, or members of any =
financial regulatory bodies. The information contained in this advertiseme=
nt is provided as an information service only. The accuracy or completenes=
s of the information is not warranted and is only as reliable as the sour=
ces from which it was obtained. We disclaim any and all liability as to th=
e completeness or accuracy of the information and for any omissions of mat=
erial facts. This advertisement may contain hyperlinks to web sites operat=
ed by third parties other than us. Such hyperlinks are provided for the r=
eader's reference and convenience only. We are not responsible for the rel=
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tents, advertising, products, or other materials on such external sites. O=
ur inclusion of hyperlinks to such web sites does not imply any endorsemen=
t of the material on such web sites or any association with their operato=
rs. Under no circumstances shall we be held responsible or liable, directl=
y or indirectly, for any loss or damage caused or alleged to have been cau=
sed in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods, or se=
rvices available on such external site. Any concerns regarding any externa=
l link should be directed to its respective site administrator or webmast=
er. We may refer to other sources of information, or other commentary. We =
intend to offer these items to readers as additional sources of informatio=
n, but disclaim any implication that we endorse information contained in s=
uch outside sources. Any referral by us is no guarantee of the accuracy of=
any information provided by outside sources. As we disclaim any represen=
tation concerning source reliability, readers must contact information sup=
pliers on their own and gauge to the reader's satisfaction the truthfulnes=
s of any source information. It should be understood that there is no guar=
antee past performance will be indicative of future results. Any reference=
to past performance(s) of companies previously advertised are specially =
selected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these comp=
anies and the companies referenced may not be representative of all past a=
dvertised companies as not all past advertised companies may have performe=
d as well. Readers are cautioned that small and micro-cap stocks are high-=
risk investments and that they may lose all or a portion of their investm=
ent if they make a purchase in our advertised stocks. In order to be in fu=
ll compliance with the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, Section 17(b), we are =
receiving 100,000 shares of Torbay Holdings, Inc. from Multi-Media Group, =
Inc. as compensation for the distribution of this and other advertisements=
. Since we are receiving compensation and hold stock in the advertised co=
mpany there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opin=
ions and such statements and opinions cannot be considered independent. We=
ill benefit from any increase in share price of the advertised company. W=
e will sell our shares at any time, without notice, be that before, during=
or immediately after the release of this advertisement. The liquidation o=
f our stock may have a negative impact on the securities of the company l=
iquidated, including decreased market value and/or dilution of the company=
's securities. Furthermore, our associates and/or employees and/or princip=
als may have stock positions in advertised companies purchased in the open=
market or in private transactions. These positions may be liquidated, wit=
hout prior notification, even after we have made positive comments regard=
ing the advertised company. It should be understood that any price targets=
and/or projections mentioned are solely opinions and should not be taken =
as suggested holding periods. In fact, we will sell our positions in any c=
ompanies advertised before they reach such target prices. The receipt of t=
his information constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions=
. Reading this advertisement shall not create under any circumstances an o=
ffer to buy or sell stock in any company advertised. Nor shall it create a=
ny principal-agent relationship between the reader and us. The stocks of a=
dvertised companies may trade in fast moving, highly volatile markets, and=
any reader should observe the trading behavior of any advertised company=
prior to investing. Advertised stocks are often thinly traded and large s=
ell orders will have a substantially negative impact on share price. Inves=
tors in advertised stocks may experience difficulty in selling shares with=
out seeing a decline in market price and may have difficulty in finding re=
ady buyers of their stock. Information within this advertisement contains =
"forward looking" statements within the meaning of Section 27(a) of the U=
.S. Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21(e) of the U.S. Securities Exchan=
ge Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involve discussions with re=
spect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objective=
s, goals, assumptions or future events or performance are not statements =
of historical facts and may be forward looking statements. Forward looking=
statements are based on expectations, estimates and projections at the ti=
me the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertaintie=
s which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from tho=
se presently anticipated. Forward looking statements may be identified th=
rough the use of words such as expects, will, anticipates, estimates, beli=
eves, or by statements indicating certain actions may, could or might occu=
r. We encourage our readers to invest carefully and read the investor info=
rmation available at the web sites of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Com=
mission (SEC) at http://www.sec.gov and the National Association of Secu=
rities Dealers (NASD) at http://www.nasd.com . We also strongly recommend=
that you read the SEC advisory to investors concerning Internet Stock Fra=
ud, which can be found at http://www.sec.gov/consumer/cyberfr.htm . The N=
ASD has published information on how to invest carefully at its web site. =
Readers can review all public filings by companies at the SEC s EDGAR page=
. All information within this advertisement is qualified in its entirety b=
y the detailed information and financial statements of the advertised comp=
any contained in its regulatory filings with the SEC. [IMAGE] =09