Enron Mail

Subject:Book4Golf TeeMail for October 26, 2001
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:58:18 -0700 (PDT)

October 26, 2001=09
Contact us About us Book a Tee Time =09
1 877 TEE ME UP Nethandicap.com [IMAGE] Book A Tee Time =
Number of Golfers 1234 Number of Holes 918 Price Any Price$0 - $25.0=
0$25.00 - $50.00$50.00 - $75.00$75.00 - $100.00$100.00 - $150.00$150.00 and=
up Month January February March April May June July August September Oc=
tober November December Day 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15=
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Year 2001 2002 2003 Sta=
rt Time Any5:00 AM5:30 AM6:00 AM6:30 AM7:00 AM7:30 AM8:00 AM8:30 AM9:00 AM9=
:30 AM10:00 AM10:30 AM11:00 AM11:30 AM12:00 PM12:30 PM1:00 PM1:30 PM2:00 PM=
2:30 PM3:00 PM3:30 PM4:00 PM4:30 PM5:00 PM5:30 PM6:00 PM6:30 PM7:00 PM7:30 =
PM8:00 PM8:30 PM9:00 PM9:30 PM10:00 PM10:30 PM11:00 PM11:30 PM State Al=
abama Alaska Arizona Arizona: Phoenix Arkansas British Columbia California =
California: Los Angeles California: Palm Springs California: San Diego Cali=
fornia: San Francisco Colorado Delaware Florida Florida: Jacksonville Flori=
da: Naples - Fort Meyers Florida: Orlando Florida: Tampa Georgia Georgia: A=
tlanta Hawaii Idaho Illinois Illinois: Chicago Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky=
Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Michigan: Detroit Minnesot=
a Minnesota: Brainerd Minnesota: Minneapolis Minnesota: Moorhead Mississipp=
i Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada Nevada: Las Vegas New Brunswick New Hamp=
shire New Jersey New Mexico New York New York: New York City North Carolina=
North Dakota North Dakota: Fargo Nova Scotia Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Ontario=
: Muskoka Ontario: Toronto Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Carolin=
a: Myrtle Beach South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia Washington St=
ate Washington: Seattle Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Territory Your com=
ments are valuable. Please let us know how we can make TeeMail better. Subm=
it your comments to info@book4.com [IMAGE]This Week On Tour Get all t=
he recaps at PGATOUR.COM and LPGA.COM Who Won Last Week? [IMAGE] PGA T=
OUR: National Car Rental Golf Classic, Walt Disney World Resort, Lake Buena=
Vista, FL Winner: Jose Coceres $612,000 [IMAGE] LPGA TOUR: No tournament =
scheduled [IMAGE] SENIOR PGA TOUR: SBC Championship, The Dominion CC, San =
Antonio,TX Winner: Larry Nelson, $210,000 This Week: [IMAGE] PGA TOU=
R: Buick Challenge, Callaway Gardens Resort, Pine Mountain, GA [IMAGE] LP=
GA TOUR: Cisco World Ladies Match Play Championship, Sosei CC, Narita City,=
Chiba, Japan [IMAGE] SENIOR PGA TOUR: SENIOR TOUR Championship, Gailla=
rdia Golf & CC, Oklahoma City, OK [IMAGE]Book Your Tee Times Online B=
ook4Golf.com is the place to go to book your tee times online at many great=
courses in eastern Canada. Go to http://www.book4golf.com and search our =
database of bookable courses in your area for real-time booking online. No =
more telephone calls...book from you office or home computer right now! =
[IMAGE]See the Pro's in Action - Partnership with the PGATOUR? See =
the Pro's in action is our newest promotion. Once a month, Book4golf will r=
andomly select up to 5 golfers who have booked online, or call our 1-877 TE=
E ME UP Reservation Center, during the previous month by sending them 2 day=
passes to a PGATOUR Tournament in their area. read more Thank you for read=
ing. http://www.Book4Golf.com Welcome to Book4golf and NetHandicap TeeMa=
il, the free e-mail bulletin that keeps you posted on sweet tee-time deals,=
special offers on golf vacations, golf accessories and more. Please forwar=
d this letter to your friends, and let them know they can get their very ow=
n copy by filling out this form. Click here. You are currently subscribe=
d to Book4Golf TeeMail as: kim.ward@enron.com. To unsubscribe send a blank =
email to leave-book4golfnorthwest-202853Q@teemail.teemaster.com and you wi=
ll be removed from our list. [IMAGE] Golf Quote of the week "Why am I us=
ing a new putter? Because the last one didn't float too well." Craig Stadl=
er, 1987 [IMAGE] Golf Trivia of the Week Phil Mickelson's carry distance=
s in yards WOODS Driver: 302 3-wood: 268 IRONS 2-iron: 242 3-iron: 230 4=
-iron: 218 5-iron: 205 6-iron: 192 7-iron: 180 8-iron: 168 9-iron: 155 PW: =
132 SW: 119 LW: 88 Golf Digest, November, 2001 [IMAGE] Book at alm=
ost 1,000 Golf Courses in North America by calling 1-877-TEE ME UP Book4gol=
f has just made a great thing better. read more [IMAGE] Golf Ball Extrav=
aganza Strata Offer Saves our TeeMail Members Money. Purchase One Dozen St=
rata Professional Distance golf balls for only $16.95. Call us at 1-877-TEE=
-ME-UP (1-877-833-6387) and we will send you out a dozen or two! read mor=
e [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Book Your Golf Holidays and Save Big! We have put =
together with our friends at GolfPac special one-of-a-kind golf packages...=
read more [IMAGE] Tee Times for Less - Look no further. We are =
asking all of our member courses of Book4golf to offer you great deals thro=
ugh discounts, coupons and more. read more [IMAGE] I Need a Ruling! Donal=
d Hewitt asks: While playing last weekend, one of our players hit a very hi=
gh shot to the green and upon impact embedded into the green over half the =
height of the ball. What is the proper thing to do? The player removed the =
ball from the divot and placed it next to the divot. Click here for the r=
uling [IMAGE]Golf Book of the Week This week: "Golfers" by Dick Durrance=
, John Sibley Yow and Dick Durrance II 'Golfers' is an inspiring collectio=
n of photographs and essays that brilliantly captures the addictive allure =
of golf... read more [IMAGE]This weeks issue includes: [IMAGE=
] Book at almost 1,000 Golf Courses in North America by calling 1-877-TEE =
ME UP. [IMAGE] Golf Ball Extravaganza - Strata Professional Distance Offe=
r. [IMAGE] Book your Golf Holiday and Save Big! [IMAGE] Selection from =
our Pro-Shop. [IMAGE] Book, Play and Receive Gifts on us. [IMAGE] Tee T=
imes for Less - Look no further. [IMAGE] Track Your Tee Times with NetHan=
dicap. [IMAGE] See the Pro's in Action - Partnership with the PGATOUR. =
[IMAGE]Top Ten Money Winners Thru October 21st, (with number of even=
ts played in parentheses): PGA TOUR 1. Tiger Woods (18) 5,568,777 2. Phil=
Mickelson (23) 4,403,883 3. David Toms (26) 3,406,595 4. Vijay Singh (24=
) 3,250,429 5. Davis Love III (18) 2,925,463 6. Scott Hoch (23) 2,794,319=
7. Scott Verplank (25) 2,580,901 8. Sergio Garcia (16) 2,513,635 9. Bob=
Estes (24) 2,431,610 10. Jim Furyk (22) 2,374,067 LPGA 1. Annika Sorens=
tam (23) $1,684,868 2. Se Ri Pak (20) $1,533,009 3. Karrie Webb (21) $1,3=
20,404 4. Lorie Kane (24) $851,134 5. Maria Hjorth (26) $797,715 6. Mi H=
yun Kim (29) $762,363 7. Dottie Pepper (22) $754,832 8. Laura Diaz (26) $=
741,316 9. Rosie Jones (22) $728,010 10. Catriona Matthew (26) $704,123 =
SENIOR PGA TOUR 1. Allen Doyle (33) 2,520,582 2. Bruce Fleisher (30) 2,37=
1,043 3. Hale Irwin (25) 2,058,422 4. Larry Nelson (27) 1,981,436 5. Jim=
Thorpe (34) 1,762,889 6. Gil Morgan (23) 1,757,371 7. Dana Quigley (36) =
1,507,931 8. Doug Tewell (27) 1,467,339 9. Tom Kite (22) 1,309,802 10. E=
d Dougherty (35) 1,304,318 [IMAGE]Selection from our Pro-Shop. This =
week we have chosen two products and two end-of-season specials from our Pr=
o-Shop. read more [IMAGE]Book, Play and Receive Gifts on us. The=
more you use Book4golf, the more you win great gifts and better still, we =
will do all the accounting. read more [IMAGE]Track Your Tee Times wit=
h NetHandicap NetHandicap.com provides sophisticated tools to monitor y=
our handicap and track your game performance. Finally, you can get the same=
analysis used by professional golfers. read more =09