Enron Mail

Subject:Palm Store Newsletter Vol. 2
Date:Mon, 22 Oct 2001 12:20:49 -0700 (PDT)

=09=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] palm(TM) [IMAGE] What's In Store? [IMAGE=
] brought to you by Insync Online [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Volume 2 10-22-01 D=
ear Kim, [IMAGE] Trick or treat? If you picked treats, you've come to the =
right place. [IMAGE] For starters, you'll find awesome deals on refurbis=
hed Palm? handhelds and accessories in the newly opened Palm Store Factory=
Outlet . Or treat yourself to a new Palm? m125 handheld, which combines f=
unctionality with expandability in one affordable package. Then there's =
the Palm? Vx handheld and free Palm Travel Kit. The ghouls and goblins are=
lining up fast for this great Palm Store bundle! [IMAGE] Not in the Hal=
loween spirit yet? Read Black House, a chilling tale co-authored by the K=
ing of Horror himself. It's this issue's featured eBook. [IMAGE] But the =
biggest treat of all is an InSync Online membership. Get the inside scoop=
on Palm Store promotions and the hottest software and eBooks, as well as =
breaking news from Palm. With InSync Online, you get to decide what we sen=
d you! Sign up now for this exclusive free email service. [IMAGE] Unt=
il next month, [IMAGE] -The InSync Online Team [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Classic functionality meets expandability in the=
Palm? m125 handheld. Store 10,000 addresses, five years of appointments p=
lus oodles more data. For extra memory, games, a dictionary or a travel gui=
de, pop in a handy expansion card .* [IMAGE] The Mobile Connectivity Sof=
tware that's included with the m125 enables you to send and receive short =
messages and check email (wireless connection or modem and ISP access requi=
red). [IMAGE] *Sold separately [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] m125 Special Bun=
dles [IMAGE] Check out these hot new m125 handheld special bundles , avai=
lable only in the Palm Store. [IMAGE] Promotion of the Month [I=
MAGE] [IMAGE] Take the Road Most Traveled [IMAGE] Frequent business tra=
velers won't leave home without this month's special Palm Store bundle. Pu=
rchase the Palm? Vx handheld for $299 and receive a FREE Palm Travel Kit (=
valued at $39.95). That's almost $40 less than if you purchased these prod=
ucts separately. [IMAGE] The Palm Vx handheld is Palm's top-selling handh=
eld. It's sleek and lightweight with plenty of memory to keep your life r=
unning smoothly on the road. Take along the Travel Kit to recharge and syn=
c your handheld and leave your cradle behind! Find out more . [IMAGE] [=
AGE] [IMAGE] eBook of the Month [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Black House By Stephen K=
ing and Peter Straub [IMAGE] When LAPD homicide detective Jack Sawyer is t=
hrown into a Wisconsin murder investigation, he's forced to re-live a terr=
ifying part of his past. Black House is the only door true horror fans wil=
l knock on this Halloween... [IMAGE] Read more . [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] Software Solutions [IMAGE] Is That Office Doc for Here or To Go=
? [IMAGE] Word, Excel and PowerPoint files where, when and how you want th=
em? You bet! Documents To Go 4.0 puts your most important documents on you=
r Palm? handheld. [IMAGE] The Professional Edition of this best-selling s=
olution is actually five solutions in one. You get Word To Go, Sheet To Go=
, Slideshow To Go, PDF to Go (i.e.; Acrobat files on your handheld), and D=
ataViz Mail for opening, viewing and editing email attachments. [IMAGE] Bu=
y it! [IMAGE] =09[IMAGE]=09
=09=09[IMAGE] The content of this message is based on your Palm, Inc. cust=
omer profile. To modify your profile or unsubscribe from Palm newsletters, =
click on the link below. Or, unsubscribe by replying to this message, with=
"unsubscribe" as the subject line of the message. ? 2001 Palm, Inc. All =
rights reserved | Palm.com | Palm Store | InSync Online | e=
Books =09