Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:SpaQuest's spafanatic - closer than you thought
Date:Sun, 21 Oct 2001 18:36:59 -0700 (PDT)

So, you're stressed out and over-worked as a result of these difficult
times, and you're thinking, "Wouldn't it be great to go on a spa vacation";
but your schedule doesn't really allow for the week-long trip you deserve.

Well, have you considered a spa-weekend, at a place within driving
distance from your home?

Good, because this issue of spafanatic covers spas that are easy drives
from major cities! The 'Great Escape' is closer than you thought. And if
the featured spas listed are not near your home town, then search for a
spa in your region by clicking on
http://spa-quest.com/spasearch or feel free to call us at 800-SPA-QUEST

(If you would like to be removed from this list for any reason, simply
reply with "remove" in the subject line.)

New! Enter our new spa sweep! Win 5 nights including meals and spa
treatments at the Birdwing Spa in Minnesota. Click here for more!

Also new - send a postcard from any of the spas on our site! Just click on
the postcard button from within any spa page, and you can send your loved
ones an e-postcard... check it out!

And remember, when looking for a gift, forget the tie, return the perfume -
a Spa Certificate is the way to go!

Drive North for the best deals in the East at Topnotch Resort and Spa, or
journey South of the border for a marvelous Mexican experience at Las

Mud is on the menu at Two Bunch Palms, and Travel and Leisure and Gourmet
Magazine can't be wrong - visit Blackberry Farm to see what all the buzz
is about.

We've packed 'em all in here, East Coast, West Coast, Travel and Leisure
and Conde Nast top choices, beaches, and unique treatments. These 6 spas
are sure to please, and all are an easy drive away!

We would like to thank you again for registering to receive our FREE,
twice-monthly e-zine. You get updated on the latest deals, exotic
destinations, inside news and information on spa treatments and spa tips.

spafantic also features recipes, fitness, and more. Go ahead, click
http://www.spa-quest.com/spafanatic and be the first to know, and the
first to go!