Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:There's still time to send Thanksgiving gifts!
Date:Mon, 19 Nov 2001 11:25:00 -0800 (PST)

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[IMAGE] Autumn Celebration CenterpieceTM Dear Kimberly, Than=
ksgiving is three days away, and there's still time to add a dash of flavo=
r to the celebration! Visit our Thanksgiving Collection and find gifts to=
say thanks including the freshest flowers, arrangements, gourmet goodies,=
sweet treats and unique gifts. Saying thanks with the perfect gift has n=
ever been easier, and with the convenience of 24 hour a day access to 1-80=
on the web and by phone, it makes the last minute the perfect time to sho=
p! Happy Thanksgiving! From your friends at 1-800-FLOWERS.COM
Call 1-800-FLOWERS
(1-800-356-9377), Click (www.1800flowers.com) or Come in! AOL Keyword: 18=
00flowers Offer valid through 11/23/01. This email was sent to KIM.WARD@E=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Fresh FlowerCornucopia =
Fields of Europe? Harvest CheesecakeSampler Gourmet Basket forThanksgi=
ving =09
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