Enron Mail

To:andrea.dahlke@enron.com, elmohle@heart.org,nljagnea@texaschildrenshospital.org, acrow@heart.org, 044lr115@fortbend.k12.tx.us, kim.ward@enron.com
Subject:Fwd: GRITS
Date:Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:44:00 -0700 (PDT)

This is rather entertaining. There are a few that apply...
---------------------- Forwarded by Edith Cross/HOU/ECT on 04/05/2001 04:43
PM ---------------------------

"Jennifer Cross" <ladyjara@hotmail.com< on 04/05/2001 08:51:41 AM
To: LittleAngel20@msn.com, anitajsauer@hotmail.com, charisboone@hotmail.com,
foailtighearna@hotmail.com, misu140@yahoo.com, ddd22@email.byu.edu,
Edith.Cross@enron.com, pyxygrrrl@aol.com, Erin.Willis@enron.com,
egele02@hotmail.com, jarquig@basil.stthom.edu, Cloudy98@aol.com,
jlbrooks@TexasChildrensHospital.org, js298@msn.com
cc: zeus7829@hotmail.com, quetzalcoatl42@hotmail.com,
kimberlykcross@hotmail.com, malamuskie@aol.com, merbecca@hotmail.com,
saroochi@hotmail.com, dogbert6zinc@hotmail.com
Subject: Fwd: GRITS

Howdy, ladies. Thought y'all might like this one. Not all true, but funny

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< Southern girls know bad manners when they see them:
< Drinking straight out of a can
< Not sending thank you notes
< Velvet after February
< White shoes before Easter or after Labor Day
< Southern girls know the three types of school
< Ballroom,
< Ballet,
< Charm.
< Southern girls appreciate their natural assets:
< Dewy skin
< A winning smile
< That unforgettable Southern drawl
< Southern girls know their manners:
< "Yes, ma'am"
< "Yes, sir"
< "Why, no, Billy!"
< Southern girls have a distinct way with fond expressions:
< "Y'all come back!"
< "Well, bless your heart."
< "Drop by when you can."
< "How's your mother?"
< "Love your hair."
< Southern girls don't sweat.... They glisten
< Southern girls know their summer weather report:
< Humidity
< Humidity
< Humidity
< Southern girls have more fun than should be allowed
< Southern girls know their three R's:
< Rich
< Richer
< Richest
< Southern girls know their vacation spots:
< The Beach
< The Beach
< The Beach
< Southern girls know the joys of June, July, and August:
< Summer tans
< Wide brimmed hats
< Strapless sun dresses
< Southern girls know everybody's first name:
< Honey
< Darlin'
< Sugah
< Southern girls know the movies that speak to their hearts:
< Gone With the Wind
< Fried Green Tomatoes
< Driving Miss Daisy
< Steel Magnolias
< Southern girls know their religions:
< Baptist
< Methodist
< Football
< Southern girls know the seasons:
< Recruiting
< Spring Training
< Practice
< Football
< Needlework
< Southern girls know their country breakfasts:
< Red-eye gravy
< Country ham
< Mouth watering homemade biscuits
< Southern girls know their cities dripping with Southern charm:
< Atlanta
< Richmond
< Charleston
< Savannah
< New Orleans
< Birmingham
< Southern girls know their elegant gentlemen:
< Men in uniform
< Men in tuxedos
< Rhett Butler, of course
< Y'all know Southern girls are quick on the drawl
< Southern girls know their prime real estate:
< The Mall
< The Country Club
< The Beauty Salon
< Southern girls can teach anyone to flirt .... Slowly lower your
< eyelashes
< Listen carefully to everything he says
< Speak r-e-a-l slow
< Southern girls know the three deadly sins: Bad hair
< Bad manners
< Bad blind dates
< Southern girls know men may come and go, but friends are forevah!
< Now you run along Sugah, and send this to some other Girls Raised In The
< South

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