Enron Mail

Subject:RE: A voice of the people
Date:Mon, 27 Nov 2000 03:14:00 -0800 (PST)

I pictured you as more of a democrat, I thought maybe you worked on some of
Gore's campaigns in Tennessee........

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim.Ward@enron.com [mailto:Kim.Ward@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:02 AM
To: Paul.Choi@enron.com; mreese@cmshq.com; mjb94123@yahoo.com;
natalie.boehmer@eds.com; Breishde@nmenergy.com; Danny.conner@enron.com;
Edith.Cross@enron.com; hgreen@csu.org; dhutchens@tucsonelectric.com;
wk@transcarriers.com; matt.mitten@marquette.edu; Jana.Morse@enron.com;
Kim.Olinger@enron.com; txdave661@up2me.com; estrickland@mieco.com;
ACSUTTON2@aol.com; cindytarsi@aol.com; Suzanne.Vann@enron.com;
msueward@worldnet.att.net; Laura.Wente@enron.com; pugezmum@aol.com;
Subject: FW: A voice of the people

---------------------- Forwarded by Kim Ward/HOU/ECT on 11/27/2000 10:01 AM

Everyone that wants genuine justice:

What can we do? I wish more. But at a minimum please write to the below:


Also, PLEASE take a minute to call the White House and leave a message on
public opinion board at (202) 456-1414
And call Kay Bailey Hutchison at : (202) 224-5922 AND (512) 916-5839

We cannot stand by and watch this happen. At a MINIMUM we can do this.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We do have so very much to be thankful for :)


*** And dear Schulk -- pleeease send this out to your zillion-people
distribution list :) thank you so much. hope you toe is healing and
peeled the Saturn sticker off the teles. already ;)

Stacy Repult
Vice President - Finance
Cinemark International, L.L.C.
972-665-1129 (phone)
972-665-1008 (fax)

____________________Forward Header_____________________
Subject: A voice of the people
Author: Stacy Repult
Date: 11/22/00 12:46 PM

Dear Mr. Gore:

I am completely appalled at your behavior in all your "on behalf of the
efforts. The people have spoken and been counted twice by a computerized
process. Now you have fought to pick and select certain counties in which
hand count and "further allow the people to have a voice". The voice you
to hear can be created through your legal manipulations, which by the way,
learned well through your boss over these past few years (great job on
his character, sir). But the genuine voice of the people has already been
heard. And since it wasn't the voice YOU wanted to hear, now is being
by your political ploys.

I have always been so proud of America. I've lived overseas for graduate
and travel frequently overseas for the work I do. But now, sir, I am
You have shown complete lack of integrity and character. You do not care,
about this country. You clearly care much more about your obtaining this
office. You do not care, sir, about the voice of the people, but rather
the right voices be heard and all others squelched. I am ashamed of you
find this completely a disgrace to the office you are so bitterly and
fighting for and a disgrace to the nation. Our America was built on
character and honor. You sir, have gutted that foundation.

Do you recall the phrase "God's Country" -- it still is, sir. And you
will have to discuss this with Him directly. He also favors truth and
And I'm not sure your attorney's will be available to help you rewrite His
definitions quite as well as you've rewritten America's.

Mr. Gore, you are NOT a man to lead this country. And you've proven that
very clearly in your actions over this election. Shame on you, sir.

And that's "a voice of the people" for you

Stacy Repult
Vice President - Finance
Cinemark International, L.L.C.
972-665-1129 (phone)
972-665-1008 (fax)


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