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---------------------- Forwarded by Melissa Reese/MST/CMS on 10/02/2001 10:51 AM --------------------------- "Hargis, Greg" <ghargis@idacorpenergy.com< on 10/02/2001 10:45:35 AM To: <mreese@cmsenergy.com< cc: Subject: FW: [Fwd: Fw: WHERE WAS GOD?] -----Original Message----- From: Deanna Hargis [mailto:boomer1@arn.net] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 11:48 AM To: Alicia OBrien; Claudia Hatley; Greg Hargis Subject: [Fwd: Fw: WHERE WAS GOD?] Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable content-class: urn:content-classes:message MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Subject: X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft Exchange V6.0.4417.0 Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 10:45:35 -0500 X-MS-Has-Attach: X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: Return-Path: <karalee@securevisioncomm.com< Received: from rcsntx.swbell.net (mta5.rcsntx.swbell.net []) by mta3.arn.net (8.12.0/8.12.0) with ESMTP id f8R1VW7S008739 for <boomer1@arn.net<; Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:31:32 -0500 (CDT) Received: from k2v5k8 ([]) by mta5.rcsntx.swbell.net (iPlanet Messaging Server 5.1 (built May 7 2001)) with SMTP id <0GKA00H3WSK0T7@mta5.rcsntx.swbell.net< for boomer1@arn.net; Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:38:32 -0500 (CDT) Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:45:16 -0500 From: Kara Lee Ford <karalee@securevisioncomm.com< Subject: Fw: WHERE WAS GOD? To: John Ford <john@securevisioncomm.com<, eaf05 <eaf05@mail.uark.edu<, Maryenoble@aol.com, "Stokes, Cindy A." <cindy.stokes@amaisd.org<, Linda Harris <lmharris@yahoo.com<, Penney McKee <phmckee@yahoo.com<, MHatley686@aol.com, Mike Acker <aceman_ski@hotmail.com<, boomer1@arn.net, DestinDAR@aol.com, iluvc12j11@aol.com, "Jimminee Crickett,Jr" <fotoguy1@hotmail.com<, DAJ83@aol.com, Bilzantor@aol.com, enjoy21322@aol.com, "Malone, Ken" <KMalone@budgetgroup.com<, CLINTRECK@aol.com, auldofus@aol.com, Linda Valentine <heartz@swbell.net<, Robin Berry <rlberry@swbell.net<, "James A. McCall" <jamccall@aristotle.net<, tm4088@armail.sbc.com, Austxwinn@aol.com, shelbie451@aol.com, Carleen Campbell <campbell@clearsource.net< Message-id: <001f01c146f6$11f2aba0$39600fd0@k2v5k8< MIME-version: 1.0 X-MIMEOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.2919.6600 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6600 Content-type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Boundary_(ID_wGq52eCskI+TphWVsNVyNg)" X-Priority: 3 X-MSMail-priority: Normal X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_wGq52eCskI+TphWVsNVyNg) Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT ----- Original Message ----- From: Janace Ponder To: JanRumph@aol.com ; PJ Laughlin ; paige garmon ; Abby Ponder ; YellBrkRoad@aol.com ; Kara Lee Ford ; Sandi McRae Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 6:48 PM Subject: Fw: WHERE WAS GOD? A wonderful perspective. Subject: WHERE WAS GOD? WHERE WAS GOD? < < A letter was sent to me with some of the statements listed below. I < Added many of my own statements, as I have been asked the same question. < Even my sons and husband questioned, "If there really is a GOD, how could < he allow this to happen? Where was HE?" < < I know that the shock of what happened caused the doubt at that moment, < but I still feel the need to answer. I've been thinking about my < response to this question and answered it with some of the statements < below. I decided to put it down in writing. < < How many of us have heard that question "Where was your GOD when the < World Trade Center and the Pentagon was attacked?" Well I know where my < GOD was the morning of September 11, 2001, and He was very busy! < < He was trying to discourage anyone from taking these flights. Those four < flights together held over 1000 passengers and there were only 266 < aboard. < < He was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the ability < to stay calm. Not one of the family members who were called by a loved < one on one of the high-jacked planes said that passengers were screaming < in the background. On one of the flights he was giving strength to < passengers to try to overtake the hijackers. < < He was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World Trade < Center. After all, only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first < jet hit. Since the buildings held over 50,000 workers, this was a Miracle < in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the World Trade < Center told the media that they were late for work or they had traffic < delays. < < He was holding up two 110-story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers < Could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't topple < when the jets impacted. And when they did fall, they fell inward. GOD < didn't allow them to topple over, as many more lives would have been lost. < < And when the buildings went down, my GOD picked up almost 6,000 of his < children and carried them home with him. Reassuring his frightened < children that the worst was over and the best was yet to come. < < He sat down and cried that 19 of his children could have so much hate < in their hearts. That they didn't choose him, but another god that < doesn't exist, and now they are lost forever. < < He sent his children that are best trained for this disaster and had < them save the few that were still alive, but unable to help themselves. < And then sent many others to help in any way they were needed. < < He still wasn't finished though. He held the loved ones that were left < behind in his arms. He comforts them daily. His other children are < given the strength to reach out to them and help them in any way they can. < < And I believe he will continue to help us with what is to come. He will < give the people in charge of this great nation the strength and the wisdom < to do the right thing. He would never leave us in our time of need. < < So when anyone asks, "Where was your GOD on September 11?", you can say < "everywhere!" And yes, although this is without a doubt the worst thing I < have seen in my life, I see GOD's miracles in every bit of it. I keep < praying for those who don't believe in GOD every chance I have. I can't < imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in GOD. < < Life would be hopeless. < < Author Unknown --Boundary_(ID_wGq52eCskI+TphWVsNVyNg) Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"< <HTML<<HEAD< <META content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" http-equiv=Content-Type< <META content="MSHTML 5.00.2919.6307" name=GENERATOR< <STYLE<</STYLE< </HEAD< <BODY bgColor=#ffffff< <DIV< </DIV< <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"<----- Original Message ----- <DIV style="BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black"<<B<From:</B< <A href="mailto:jpponder@arn.net" title=jpponder@arn.net<Janace Ponder</A< </DIV< <DIV<<B<To:</B< <A href="mailto:JanRumph@aol.com" title=JanRumph@aol.com<JanRumph@aol.com</A< ; <A href="mailto:jacklaughlin@webtv.net" title=jacklaughlin@webtv.net<PJ Laughlin</A< ; <A href="mailto:garmonlink@hotmail.com" title=garmonlink@hotmail.com<paige garmon</A< ; <A href="mailto:abbyp@chainlinkservices.com" title=abbyp@chainlinkservices.com<Abby Ponder</A< ; <A href="mailto:YellBrkRoad@aol.com" title=YellBrkRoad@aol.com<YellBrkRoad@aol.com</A< ; <A href="mailto:karalee@securevisioncomm.com" title=karalee@securevisioncomm.com<Kara Lee Ford</A< ; <A href="mailto:sandi@hcnews.com" title=sandi@hcnews.com<Sandi McRae</A< </DIV< <DIV<<B<Sent:</B< Wednesday, September 26, 2001 6:48 PM</DIV< <DIV<<B<Subject:</B< Fw: WHERE WAS GOD?</DIV<</DIV< <DIV<<BR<</DIV< <DIV<<STRONG<<FONT color=#800080 face="Comic Sans MS" size=2<A wonderful perspective.</FONT<</STRONG<</DIV< <DIV< </DIV< <DIV style="FONT: 10pt arial"< <DIV<<B<Subject:</B< WHERE WAS GOD?</DIV<</DIV< <DIV<<BR<</DIV< <DIV<<FONT face=Tahoma size=2<<BR<</FONT< </DIV< <DIV<<STRONG<<FONT size=3<WHERE WAS GOD?</FONT<</STRONG<<BR<> <BR<> <FONT color=maroon<A letter was sent to me with some of the statements listed below. I<BR<> Added many of my own statements, as I have been asked the same <BR<question.<BR<> Even my sons and husband questioned, "If there really is a GOD, how <BR<could<BR<> he allow this to happen? Where was HE?"<BR<> <BR<> I know that the shock of what happened caused the doubt at that <BR<moment,<BR<> but I still feel the need to answer. I've been thinking about my<BR<> response to this question and answered it with some of the statements<BR<> below. I decided to put it down in writing.<BR<> <BR<> How many of us have heard that question "Where was your GOD when the<BR<> World Trade Center and the Pentagon was attacked?" Well I know where <BR<my<BR<> GOD was the morning of September 11, 2001, and He was very busy!<BR<> <BR<> He was trying to discourage anyone from taking these flights. Those <BR<four<BR<> flights together held over 1000 passengers and there were only 266<BR<> aboard.<BR<> <BR<> He was on 4 commercial flights giving terrified passengers the <BR<ability<BR<> to stay calm. Not one of the family members who were called by a <BR<loved<BR<> one on one of the high-jacked planes said that passengers were <BR<screaming<BR<> in the background. On one of the flights he was giving strength to<BR<> passengers to try to overtake the hijackers.<BR<> <BR<> He was busy trying to create obstacles for employees at the World <BR<Trade<BR<> Center. After all, only around 20,000 were at the towers when the <BR<first<BR<> jet hit. Since the buildings held over 50,000 workers, this was a <BR<Miracle<BR<> in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the World <BR<Trade<BR<> Center told the media that they were late for work or they had <BR<traffic<BR<> delays.<BR<> <BR<> He was holding up two 110-story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers<BR<> Could get out. I was so amazed that the top of the towers didn't <BR<topple<BR<> when the jets impacted. And when they did fall, they fell inward. <BR<GOD<BR<> didn't allow them to topple over, as many more lives would have been <BR<lost.<BR<> <BR<> And when the buildings went down, my GOD picked up almost 6,000 of <BR<his<BR<> children and carried them home with him. Reassuring his frightened<BR<> children that the worst was over and the best was yet to come.<BR<> <BR<> He sat down and cried that 19 of his children could have so much hate<BR<> in their hearts. That they didn't choose him, but another god that<BR<> doesn't exist, and now they are lost forever.<BR<> <BR<> He sent his children that are best trained for this disaster and had<BR<> them save the few that were still alive, but unable to help <BR<themselves.<BR<> And then sent many others to help in any way they were needed.<BR<> <BR<> He still wasn't finished though. He held the loved ones that were <BR<left<BR<> behind in his arms. He comforts them daily. His other children are<BR<> given the strength to reach out to them and help them in any way they <BR<can.<BR<> <BR<> And I believe he will continue to help us with what is to come. He <BR<will<BR<> give the people in charge of this great nation the strength and the <BR<wisdom<BR<> to do the right thing. He would never leave us in our time of need.<BR<> <BR<> So when anyone asks, "Where was your GOD on September 11?", you can <BR<say<BR<> "everywhere!" And yes, although this is without a doubt the worst <BR<thing I<BR<> have seen in my life, I see GOD's miracles in every bit of it. I keep<BR<> praying for those who don't believe in GOD every chance I have. I <BR<can't<BR<> imagine going through such a difficult time and not believing in GOD.<BR<> <BR<> Life would be hopeless.<BR<</FONT<> <BR<> <BR<<SPAN class=554111519-24092001<<FONT color=#0000ff face="Comic Sans MS" size=2<Author Unknown </FONT<</SPAN<</DIV<</BODY<</HTML< --Boundary_(ID_wGq52eCskI+TphWVsNVyNg)--