Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:FW: Site59 Top Picks | Check Your List Twice!
Date:Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:26:49 -0800 (PST)

Belize: leave tomorrow and return Tuesday for under $575. That includes a=
irfare and 5 nights in the hotel!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Patty Griffin [mailto:Site59@site59.rsc03.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 6:26 PM
To: svann@enron.com
Subject: Site59 Top Picks | Check Your List Twice!

<http://www.site59.com/images/index_topleft.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.c=
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agline.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/images/top_nav.gif<=09

Hello Suzanne:

I'm sure you have a million things to do. Cookies to bake, parties to go to=
, decorating to do, gifts to buy . . . but there's someone very important y=
ou shouldn't forget this holiday season -- YOU!

Be nice to yourself for a change! Skip this weekend's chores, forget the ma=
ll, pack your bags, and get away this weekend. You could even bring your fa=
vorite person along for a surprise holiday. Go this weekend and you'll stil=
l have plenty of time and money left for everyone on your holiday shopping =

Now, time for my holiday gift to you -- $25 off any purchase before January=
1! Just type SITE59HOLIDAY in the promotional code field on the billing pa=
ge. See below for complete details.***

<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_topleft.gif<=09 <http://www.s=
ite59.com/images/flydrive_box_top1px.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/images=
Treat yourself to a special holiday getaway this weekend!=20

Seattle, WA: Gourmet Gurus, Views and Microbrews <http://site59.rsc03.net/s=
From $ 190+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel

Los Angeles, CA: Dreaming of a Tan Christmas <http://site59.rsc03.net/servl=
From $ 153+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel

San Francisco, CA: Jingle Bell Love <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZ=
From $ 235+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel


Prices reflect lowest available. Please click the link to see if your depar=
ture city is available.

<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_bottomleft.gif<=09 <http://ww=
w.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_bottom1px.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/=
<http://www.site59.com/images/top_picks.gif<out of Houston. Click here <h=
ttp://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*YA< to find an=
other Getaway.


=09 Chicago, IL: Snow Angels at Soldier Field <http://site59.rsc03.net/ser=
Chicagoans do winter and the holidays up right. Join in the fun!

From $ 180 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 Washington, DC: Holiday Wonders <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?l=
Come to our nation's capital to see the National Christmas Tree and a new b=
aby elephant and to celebrate the season Kennedy Center style!

From $ 276 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 Williamsburg, VA: Start At the Very Beginning <http://site59.rsc03.net=
Visit the landmarks where the American Revolution came to fruition in the h=
istoric triangle of Old Dominion.

From $ 280 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 Denver, CO: Canvass the Slopes <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZ=
For the culture craving carver, Denver's city sidewalks meet the surroundin=
g slopes.

From $ 285 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 Captiva Island, FL (via Tampa): Sixty Shades of Sea Shells on the Sea =
Shore <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VYAA<
Capture someone's heart on this serene island in the Gulf of Mexico.

From $ 306 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 South Bay, CA: South Bay Surf and Serve <http://site59.rsc03.net/servl=
Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beaches have enough surf, sun and sand betwe=
en them to capture the heart of any surfer or volleyball fan.

From $ 429 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09 =

=09 Ambergris Caye, Belize: No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem <http://site59.=
Strap on your mask and fins to explore Belize's Barrier Reef. Bare your fee=
t to amble Ambergris Caye's streets of sand

From $ 603 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=09

All Site59 packages have limited availability.=20

Package price varies based on departure city, number of travelers and lengt=
h of stay. Due to Site59's dynamic pricing, prices may change after email i=
s sent, resulting in a different price on the site from that listed in the =
email. The price listed on the site is the most current and will supersede =
the listed email price.

Not all packages will be available from all departure cities. If you do not=
see your departure city listed for a package, it is not currently availabl=
e. Availability changes all the time though, so please check back again lat=
er and you may find it.=20

For important information about buying packages and using Site59, please se=
e our FAQs <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*V=
WA< and our Terms of Service <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*l=

Copyright 2001 Site59.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

This email is being delivered to you because according to our records, you =
requested information about Site59 offerings. SEE BELOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE. Our=
apologies if you've received this Site59 email in error.

Package prices are in USD, and do not include a federal excise tax of up to=
$2.75 per each U.S. domestic flight segment or up to $18 per round trip in=
local airport charges. Prices for Hawaii destinations do not include U.S. =
Transportation Fee of $13 per round trip. Prices for Canada destinations do=
not include applicable Federal Inspection Fee of $6 per round trip. Intern=
ational prices do not include government taxes and fees of up to $98 per ro=
und trip. Displayed prices of packages including hotel rooms and/or rental =
cars do not include certain taxes, fees and surcharges, which vary based up=
on the city and state of travel, airport, rental car company and in some ca=
ses, car type. Any such taxes, fees and surcharges will be calculated and d=
isplayed to you prior to purchase. Additional charges you may incur, howeve=
r, such as extra-person charges, extra-bed charges, resort fees, gratuities=
, energy surcharges, parking fees, telephone fees, room service, movies, mi=
ni-bar, insurance, gasoline, extra-driver fees and similar incidentals are =
not included in the package price.

***This offer is for $25 off the total purchase price for any Site59 purcha=
se made between December 11, 2001 and January 1, 2002. Promotion code expir=
es January 1 and must be used at time of purchase.

<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_topleft.gif<=09 <http://www.s=
ite59.com/images/flydrive_box_top1px.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/images=
<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_left1px.gif<=09Free Lift Ticke=
t at Vail this Weekend Only!

Purchase one of the packages below by December 14 for travel by December 15=
. Vail Resorts will give you one free lift ticket!**=20


Vail/ Beaver Creek, CO: Champagne Powder and Caviar Dreams <http://site59.r=
From $ 395+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel=20

Vail , CO: Where A River Runs Through It Meets Fresh Tracks and the Art of =
Self-Maintenance <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJ=
From $ 399+ tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & luxury hot=

To sign up for occasional email updates about Site59 Ski Getaways, click he=
re <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/website/ResponseForm?lYCEv9zrpUVTXElOHg=

**You will receive one free lift ticket per purchase (if more than one pers=
on is traveling, additional travelers who wish to ski must purchase lift ti=

You must choose one of the following hotels: Lodge at Vail, The Inn at Beav=
er Creek, Arrowhead Village, The Pines Lodge, or Seasons at Avon. If you se=
lect Landmark Townhouses or Vail Cascade Resort as your accommodations, we =
are not able to honor this promotion.=20

Prices reflect lowest available. Please click the link to see if your depar=
ture city is available.

<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_bottomleft.gif<=09 <http://ww=
w.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_bottom1px.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/=
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ite59.com/images/flydrive_box_top1px.gif<=09 <http://www.site59.com/images=
<http://www.site59.com/images/flydrive_box_left1px.gif<=09Site59's Many W=
ays to Get Away!=20

'Tis the season! Check out our holiday <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4=
?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VAA< getaways!

Time to start your holiday shopping? Check out our shopping <http://site59.=
rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VBA< getaways!

Escape to Europe this weekend with Site59's European <http://site59.rsc03.n=
et/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VCA< getaways.

Beat the winter blahs with a Caribbean <http://site59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4=
?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VDA< getaway!=20

Visiting friends or family this holiday season? Find a FlightPlus <http://s=
ite59.rsc03.net/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*WUA< package.

Have your flight but need a place to stay? HotelPlus <http://site59.rsc03.n=
et/servlet/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*WVA< is for you.

For everything you need, find Flight & Hotel <http://site59.rsc03.net/servl=
et/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*WWA< packages, too.

And don't forget, when you have a question about Site59, the first (and bes=
t!) place to look is the Customer Service FAQ <http://site59.rsc03.net/serv=
let/cc4?lZDEXCA*lOHggQLgkhgEJht*a*VWA<. Read it now and be prepared.

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=09 About Site59 <http://www.site59.com/about.html<; | Press <http://www.si=
te59.com/press.html< | Customer Service <http://www.site59.com/customer_ser=
vice.html< | Privacy Policy <http://www.site59.com/privacy.html<; | Terms of=
Service <http://www.site59.com/tos.html<;
=09 =09


_____ =20

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