Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:RE: FW: Master purchase/sale agreement
Date:Fri, 5 Oct 2001 14:11:38 -0700 (PDT)

I would like to begin working on an ISDA, I have attached our standard form
schedule and CSA for your review. I think this is a good window of

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim.Ward@enron.com [mailto:Kim.Ward@enron.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:13 AM
To: marussel@srpnet.com
Subject: Re: FW: Master purchase/sale agreement


The best person to talk to about the ISDA is me. I discussed an ISDA with
Tim Roberts when I was in the Salt River offices on March 23rd. A draft
ISDA was sent to Bill Abraham on November 17, 1999. I requested for a new
legal review on 3/28/01. Let me know if you need a new draft and I can
send you or Tim a copy. My number is 713-853-0685.

Thanks for your inquiry -

Kim Ward

marussel@srpnet.com on 04/05/2001 08:20:15 AM

To: <Kim.Ward@enron.com<
cc: <marussel@srpnet.com<
Subject: FW: Master purchase/sale agreement

I have been trying to get an ISDA going with Enron for several months. Who
is the best contact to call?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kim.Ward@enron.com [mailto:Kim.Ward@enron.com]
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 2:59 PM
To: kaprice@srpnet.com
Subject: Master purchase/sale agreement


Attached is a draft copy of our Master Purchase/Sale Agreement for physical
natural gas transactions. As I mentioned before, we can enter into
transactions for less that one year out. However, for those outside of a
year and for longer terms, we need to have a master in place. Hopefully,
we can get this one in place so that we will be prepared when/if we get
ready to transact.

Let me know if you have any questions. I will have our legal guys standing
by to help, too.


Kim Ward

(See attached file: Master_NG_draft_contract.doc)

(See attached file: Master_NG_draft_contract.doc)

- 070301.sample Paragraph13 credit annex isda.doc
- 062701.sample isda schedule.doc