Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:Site59 Top Picks | The Countdown Has Begun!
Date:Tue, 18 Dec 2001 16:02:24 -0800 (PST)

Hello Kim: By now you know that I am spontaneity's #1 fan. But if yo=
u haven't finished your holiday shopping and finalized your travel arrangem=
ents yet, you're really living on the edge. Luckily, the Site59 team is her=
e to help you with your last-minute to-do list! Still working on your shop=
ping list? Put a check mark next to every name on your list by giving the =
best gift of all -- spontaneous travel! Site59 Gift Certificates are back j=
ust in time for the holidays, available in any denomination, and perfect fo=
r everyone on your list! Headed home for the holidays? Check out our Fly=
& Drives -- perfect for family gatherings with a flight to get you there =
and a rental car to ensure your freedom! Plus, we've added Wednesday retur=
ns for December 26 and January 2 , so you'll have plenty of time to finish =
your holiday meal and unwrap all your gifts or enjoy an extra-long New Year=
's weekend! With so many people traveling to be with friends and family th=
is holiday season, our availability is limited this weekend and next. If y=
ou can't find a getaway for this weekend, ring in the New Year with a Site5=
9 Getaway next weekend! Availability is limited, so book your getaway now=
! Happy holidays! [IMAGE] out of Houston. Click here to find another Geta=
way. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] New York, NY: America the Beautif=
ul Series -- The Home of The Brave Come to New York to continue your suppo=
rt of the land of the free. From $ 366 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy=
, including flight & hotel [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
Charlotte, NC: Royal Treatment in the Queen City Southern hospitality a=
bounds in this city that can hardly be called "a trifling place." From $ 3=
73 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, including flight & hotel [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] St. Andrews by the Sea, Canada (Via=
Portland, ME): A Seaside Sanctuary Roll with the tide and head to the his=
toric Fairmont Alogonquin Resort. From $ 373 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occ=
upancy, including flight & luxury hotel [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE=
] [IMAGE] London, England: Christmas Across the Pond You don't have t=
o settle for the same ole jingle routine this year--breakaway! Shop, skate,=
and play in the UK. From $ 580 + tax* pp, based on dbl. occupancy, inclu=
ding flight & hotel [IMAGE] [IMAGE] All Site59 packages have lim=
ited availability. Package price varies based on departure city, number o=
f travelers and length of stay. Due to Site59's dynamic pricing, prices may=
change after email is sent, resulting in a different price on the site fro=
m that listed in the email. The price listed on the site is the most curren=
t and will supersede the listed email price. Not all packages will be avai=
lable from all departure cities. If you do not see your departure city lis=
ted for a package, it is not currently available. Availability changes all =
the time though, so please check back again later and you may find it. Fo=
r important information about buying packages and using Site59, please see =
our FAQs and our Terms of Service . Copyright 2001 Site59.com, Inc. All r=
ights reserved. This email is being delivered to you because according to =
our records, you requested information about Site59 offerings. SEE BELOW TO=
UNSUBSCRIBE. Our apologies if you've received this Site59 email in error. =
*TAX INFORMATION Package prices are in USD, and do not include a federal e=
xcise tax of up to $2.75 per each U.S. domestic flight segment or up to $18=
per round trip in local airport charges. Prices for Hawaii destinations do=
not include U.S. Transportation Fee of $13 per round trip. Prices for Cana=
da destinations do not include applicable Federal Inspection Fee of $6 per =
round trip. International prices do not include government taxes and fees o=
f up to $98 per round trip. Displayed prices of packages including hotel ro=
oms and/or rental cars do not include certain taxes, fees and surcharges, w=
hich vary based upon the city and state of travel, airport, rental car comp=
any and in some cases, car type. Any such taxes, fees and surcharges will b=
e calculated and displayed to you prior to purchase. Additional charges you=
may incur, however, such as extra-person charges, extra-bed charges, resor=
t fees, gratuities, energy surcharges, parking fees, telephone fees, room s=
ervice, movies, mini-bar, insurance, gasoline, extra-driver fees and simila=
r incidentals are not included in the package price. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] $25 Off any Site59 Purchase before January 1! Type SITE59HOLI=
DAY in the promotional code field on the billing page. This offer is for $=
25 off the total purchase price for any Site59 purchase made between Decemb=
er 11, 2001 and January 1, 2002. Promotion code expires January 1 and must =
be used at time of purchase. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Site59's Many Ways to Get Away! Visiting friends or=
family this holiday season? Find a FlightPlus package. Have your flight=
but need a place to stay? HotelPlus is for you. For everything you need,=
find Flight & Hotel packages, too. Escape to Europe this weekend with Si=
te59's European getaways. Beat the winter blahs with a Caribbean getaway=
! And don't forget, when you have a question about Site59, the first (an=
d best!) place to look is the Customer Service FAQ . Read it now and be pre=
t Site59 | Press | Customer Service | Privacy Policy | Terms of Service=
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