Enron Mail

To:dan.j.hyvl@enron.com, grant_kolling@city.palo-alto.ca.us
Subject:RE: Enfolio Master Firm Purchase/Sale Agreement
Date:Tue, 27 Feb 2001 06:01:00 -0800 (PST)

Dan, thanks. I will review the contract changes later today or tomorrow.
And thank you for the response on the resolution. I've heard that this item
will be presented to the council for adoption on March 12. That's the
earliest date. I will coordinate with our staff on other matters that need
attending to get this done. Thanks for your help. Grant Kolling.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com [mailto:Dan.J.Hyvl@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:16 AM
To: grant_kolling@city.palo-alto.ca.us
Cc: Kim.Ward@enron.com
Subject: Re: Enfolio Master Firm Purchase/Sale

<< File: 2001-002ctr.doc <<
(See attached file: 2001-002ctr.doc)

I have incorporated the language you provided to me in
the attached
document. I have been informed by the Corporate Secretary's
office that
they will issue a Certificate of Incumbency showing that the
executing the contract for ENA is authorized to execute
contracts for ENA.
No other party signs as to form or terms, however, the
officer executing
for ENA will require that the deal person and I initial on
the line next to
his signature. I have reviewed the proposed draft
resolution. ENA will
accept the enacted resolution and will not require that the
City Attorney
issue an opinion. If the attached contract is acceptable,
please print off
2 originals, have them approved, signed and forward to me
for ENA's
approval and signature. Once the contract is fully
executed, I will return
one fully executed original to you for the City's file.