Enron Mail

To:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:RE: Why Sumo is better than karate
Date:Tue, 7 Aug 2001 10:39:17 -0700 (PDT)

Things are good. The market has quietened down considerable and is downright
boring now. I think we have been ruined by the crazy market. Things settled
right in for you in Houston now? I am still going to hold you to a night on
the town when/if I ever get over that way.

Keep in touch.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kim.Ward@enron.com [mailto:Kim.Ward@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 4:55 PM
To: scott.connelly@mirant.com
Subject: RE: Why Sumo is better than karate

This was hilarious! I can't believe that you remember I have a cat! How
are things?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Connelly, Scott" <scott.connelly@mirant.com<@ENRON


Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 11:42 AM
To: 'Ron Gosney'; 'Ali Yazdi'; 'Andy Baillie'; 'Chris Ashwood'; 'Dan
O'Hearn'; 'Eric Strickland'; 'Francois Vincent'; 'Jack Bibby';
Malazdrewicz, Keith; 'Keith Wagner'; Ward, Kim S (Houston); 'Lisa
Will'; 'Michelle Hiley'; 'Mike Goodenough'; 'Mike Morgan'; 'Paul
Lutz@Amerex'; 'Phil Kern'; 'Susanne Matheson'
Subject: FW: Why Sumo is better than karate

For all those cat lovers.

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Watson, Mark P.
< Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 12:21 PM
< To: Connelly, Scott; West, Travis
< Subject: FW: Why Sumo is better than karate
< -----Original Message-----
< From: McDonald, Chris
< Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 11:59 AM
< To: Watson, Mark P.; Lawrence, Blake
< Subject: FW: Why Sumo is better than karate
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Jim_Nix@Dell.com [mailto:Jim_Nix@Dell.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 5:51 PM
< To: chimpangie@austin.rr.com; ccarle@schupan.com;
< Chris.McDonald@Mirant.Com; dhobbs3@austin.rr.com;
< gary.w.joe@accenture.com; Gary.Stadler@enron.com;
< jabrown@Austin.Polycom.com; jrprice@swbell.net; ldnix66@sprintmail.com;
< lhobbs@taosnet.com; Peter.Nigro@Hurlburt.af.mil
< Subject: FW: Why Sumo is better than karate
< <<why sumo is better than karate.mpg<<

- why sumo is better than karate.mpg << File: why sumo is better than
karate.mpg <<

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