Enron Mail

From:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:FW: City of Glendale
Date:Mon, 8 Oct 2001 14:24:58 -0700 (PDT)


FYI, how do we proceed?

-----Original Message-----
From: "Lins, Steven" <SLins@ci.glendale.ca.us<@ENRON
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 4:14 PM
To: Ward, Kim S (Houston)
Subject: RE: City of Glendale


We are doing this opinion in house, so as far as this opinion goes,
I am it.

Steven G. Lins
Assistant City Attorney
613 E. Broadway, Suite 220
Glendale, CA 91206

-----Original Message-----
From: Ward, Kim S (Houston) [mailto:Kim.Ward@ENRON.com]
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 1:18 PM
To: slins@ci.glendale.ca.us
Subject: FW: City of Glendale


could you provide the name, phone number, etc. of your bond council for
our attorney, Sara Shackleton?



< -----Original Message-----
< From: Shackleton, Sara
< Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 8:03 AM
< To: Ward, Kim S (Houston)
< Cc: Heard, Marie
< Subject: RE: City of Glendale
< Kim: Can you obtain the name of Glendale's bond counsel (lawyer's
< name, phone number, email, etc.)? Thanks. SS
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Ward, Kim S (Houston)
< Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 1:59 PM
< To: Shackleton, Sara
< Subject: City of Glendale
< Sara,
< Believe it or not, we are very close getting our signed ISDA from the
< City of Glendale. Steve Lins, the City attorney had a couple of
< questions which I will attempt to relay without having a copy of the
< documents.
< 1) I am assuming that he obtained a for legal opinion letter or
< document of some sort. This document references a confirmation and we
< are not sure what this references. Typically, it references a
< transaction, which in this case, there are no transactions yet. He
< feels this reference should be deleted. What is your opinion
< regarding this? [Shackleton, Sara] If we have no transaction on the
< books, then he can delete the reference. Marie: Have we received an
< opinion from Glendale?
< 2) We sent him a couple of form documents to facilitate the documents
< required under the ISDA. One form ws a form resolution. They have
< already received City Council approval to enter into financial
< tranactions and to enter into an ISDA with us. Steve is going to get
< a certified copy of this Resolution. Will this suffice? [Shackleton,
< Sara] I'll review their resolution again. If it references our
< ISDA and all transactions, it should be fine. (This is part of the
< reason why we need a legal opinion)
< When you return, I may try to do one last conference call to alleviate
< any unanswered questions. I think we will have an executed ISDA with
< the City of Glendale by the end of next week. I am going to be out
< there meeting with them on Wednesday.
< Thanks for your help,
< Kim

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