Enron Mail

From:houston <.ward@enron.com<
Subject:FW: Jobs
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:41:42 -0800 (PST)


I have passed your resume on to Barry and to Frank Vickers, who is Barry's equivalent for the East and Central desks. I hope you hear from one of them - Frank is an awesome guy and I would work for him anywhere! I will keep you posted as I hear of other opportunies you might be interested in.

I will do whatever I can to take care of Robbie Mac!

-----Original Message-----
From: Ward, Kim
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 10:41 AM
To: Ward, Kim S (Houston)
Subject: FW: Jobs

Hi Kim,

One for you ?.

Cheers Bye, Kim

-----Original Message-----
From: McDonald, Rob
Sent: 16 November 2001 15:48
To: Ward, Kim
Subject: Jobs


How's the hiring climate over in Barry's world? The future here in broadband obviously is bleak. I'm trying to generate job leads at a company that is quickly shrinking. Not an enviable position.

Attached is a resume. Any inquiries on my behalf are appreciated. As for added comments to hiring people: although I've spent my entire 2 1/2 year Enron career at EBS, I've been in trading, structuring, and origination roles the entire time. I can model and sell w/ the best of them. I also know Jean Mrha and Tom Gros well. (If that's worth anything.)

Any help is much appreciated.

