please remove my email address from your distribution list.
-----Original Message-----
From: HotDeals <<@ENRON
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2001 12:45 AM
kward@ect.enron.comSubject: Stay In Touch Over The Holidays With Free Nights and Weekends!!
[IMAGE] << File: << [IMAGE] [IMAGE] << File: << [IMAGE] << File: << [IMAGE] << File: << Phone Package Includes: -Free* Motorola T193 -500 Minutes -Unlimited Weekend Minutes -Free Nationwide Long Distance -Free Nationwide Digital Roaming -AOL Instant Messenger (IM your friends from your new cell phone with AOL Instant Messenger loaded right on the phone!!!) Click Here to view the FREE Cell Phone offer in your area << File: <<
* Phone free after rebates. Offer subject to credit approval or deposit, and is available to customers activating a new line of service on a one-year contract with a VoiceStream Wireless. Not all US markets are served by VoiceStream Wireless, if you are in a non-VoiceStream Wireless area you will receive another great offer from another major wireless company. Other restrictions apply, see full offer for details. Offer Expires November 30, 2001.