Enron Mail

Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 05:00:17 -0700 (PDT)

Just in case you receive a call from either JB or David. They were called yesterday and I spoke with Neal and let them
know they were going short again after we cleaned up their current imbalance over last weekend and Monday.
They were short for Wednesday's gas day. My conversation was with Neal that they make adjustments to their nominated
volumes or turn on more gas. It does not appear they did either one. I will call them this morning and let them know that
they have until ID-1 to turn on more gas or cut their noms or TW will be cutting their market for ID-1. Maybe this is a
good opportunity to discuss park and ride again. TW covered 7,000 mmbtu/d of Markets according to the scada numbers
that we see.

Let me know if you agree.

Thanks Ds