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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: enerfax1 <enerfax@msn.com< X-To: enerfax@yahoogroups.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kim_Watson_Mar2002\Watson, Kimberly\Deleted Items X-Origin: Watson-K X-FileName: kwatson (Non-Privileged).pst Enerfax Daily NORTH AMERICA'S FREE POWER AND GAS INFORMATION SOURCE Thursday, January 17 2002 No. 907 Visit: http://www.enerfax.com/ or for Oil Prices & News http://www.enerfaxgold.com/ PHYSICAL NATURAL GAS PRICES ?? Gulf/Eastern Region | Agua Dulce | 2.24 | | ANR SE | 2.32 | | Carthage TG | 2.30 | | Chicago Citygate | 2.38 | | Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.36 | | Dominion South Point | 2.50 | | Henry Hub | 2.39 | | Houston Ship Channel | 2.37 | | Katy Hub | 2.31 | | NGPL LA Pool | 2.31 | | NGPL - Midcontinent | 2.24 | | NGPL STX | 2.26 | | NGPL TX/OK | 2.27 | | NNG Demarc. | 2.32 | | Niagara | 2.58 | | Sonat Tier 1 | 2.35 | | TCO IPP Pool | 2.49 | | Tetco ELa | 2.38 | | Tetco M-3 | 2.84 | | Tetco STX | 2.26 | | TGP Zone 0 | 2.27 | | TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.32 | | TGT Zone SL | 2.37 | | New York Citygate | 2.98 | | Transco Station 65 | 2.43 | | Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.99 | | Trunk ELa | 2.33 | | Western Region | California Border | 2.29 | | El Paso Keystone | 2.19 | | El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.18 | | Waha Hub | 2.24 | | Canadian/Rockies Region | Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 3.02 | | Dawn Hub/Union | 2.39 | | Northwest Stanfield | 2.17 | | Wyoming Pool | 2.12 | | Opal/Kern River | 2.12 | | PGT-Malin | 2.26 | | Sumas | 2.17 | Flow Date 1/17 ------------------------------------------------------------- NATURAL GAS FUTURES Henry Hub 12 Month Strip ?2.6170 +0.0709 ? ? ? 18 Month Strip ?2.7174 +0.0608? ? | Month | High | Low | Close | Change | | FEB | 2.406 | 2.380 | 2.394 | +0.103 | | MAR | 2.375 | 2.356 | 2.363 | +0.090 | | APR | 2.383 | 2.376 | 2.383 | +0.080 | | MAY | 2.470 | 2.380 | 2.446 | +0.078 | | JUN | 2.525 | 2.420 | 2.506 | +0.078 | | JUL | 2.585 | 2.570 | 2.566 | +0.073 | | AUG | 2.615 | 2.605 | 2.606 | +0.068 | | SEP | 2.606 | 2.600 | 2.599 | +0.063 | | OCT | 2.615 | 2.565 | 2.621 | +0.063 | | NOV | 2.800 | 2.770 | 2.816 | +0.053 | | DEC | 3.015 | 2.960 | 3.011 | +0.051 | | JAN | 3.105 | 3.040 | 3.093 | +0.051 | ------------------------------------------------------------- - RISK MANAGEMENT Across the Energy Enterprise e-Acumen, Inc., is uniquely positioned to help you manage risk and increase value. That's because our analytics, data and applications cover all strategic aspects of the energy enterprise, from short-term forecasting to comprehensive risk analysis and portfolio optimization, to asset valuation and weather risk management. Dedicated to the needs of energy and trading companies in a dynamic and competitive world, our approach combines best-in-class physical fundamentals with industry-leading statistical methodologies. e-Acumen is a venture-backed company founded in January, 1997. Since then we have listened attentively to the market and assembled a stellar cast of seasoned energy industry professionals and Silicon Valley technologists. Join us as we help the industry continue its path toward liquidity and profitable, risk-managed growth in the exciting years ahead! Click here to find out more about current special offers, or go to http://www.e-acumen.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Gas Futures Rally on AGA Report Natural gas futures for February delivery on the NYMEX jumped $0.103 higher yesterday to $2.394 per MMBtu. The March contract gained $0.09 to $2.363 per MMBtu. The market began the day up and pushed higher after a 137 Bcf withdrawal was reported by the AGA in the afternoon. The storage report was about what was expected, but was 37 Bcf more than a year ago. However, it barely dented the record amounts of inventory remain in storage, about 2.529 Tcf, at 77% full compared to 44% full last year at this time at 1.459 Tcf. The 5-year average is 2 Tcf. The rally broke through the $2.36 resistance level. Funds are holding record-high short positions and could cause a major technical rally if they ever had to cover. But, more likely the market will head back down as the fundamentals takeover. Support is seen at $2.36, $2.32 and $2.25 per MMBtu. A cold front expected to move into eastern states next week and could cause the market to rally again, but the increase will be difficult to sustain. Natural gas for next day delivery across the US and Canada was generally flat to $0.05 higher yesterday. Natural gas for next delivery at the hub gained $0.03 to $2.39 per MMBtu. ------------------------------------------------------------- Exploit the enterprise-wide transaction management power deployed by the big names in gas. NUCLEUS Software ZAINET Gasmaster The most comprehensive, totally-integrated natural gas information system available today. Ask about out limited-time offer competitive upgrade program. CAMINUS Your Competitive Edge in Energy. Call Caminus at (212)515-3700 or visit the website at www.caminus.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Today's Power Bulletins * SEC Approves National Grid ? Niagara Mohawk Merger * AES NewEnergy Receives License to Sell Electricity in Oregon * Entergy Nuclear Plants Earn Top Safety Rating from OSHA * Fuel Cell Investor 2nd Annual Industry Summit to be Held in New York Marriott Marquis Hotel at Times Square, March 26 ? 27 * California Attorney General Seeks to Hold Enron in Contempt of Court for Failing to Turn Over Subpoenaed Documents * Enron Shares Fall in Pink Sheet Trading. FERC Chairman Wood to Meet with PJM Interconnection and Midwest ISO Regarding Letter of Intent to Create Single Market Between Them * Great River Energy Research Project Could Increase Lignite Marketability. Western Spot Power Prices Rise Amid Curtailed Generation ------------------------------------------------------------- DO YOU JUST SEE TREES? WE SEE A FOREST! See the forest with NewEnergy MarketPower by efficiently obtaining information for critical market-based investment decisions and mitigate your risk. Use MarketPower to determine the effects of transmission congestion, fuel costs, generator availability and load growth on market prices to better execute your company's strategic direction. Designed specifically for today's energy industry, MarketPower is accurate and easy-to-use, so you can plan for tomorrow...today! New Ideas...New Solutions...NewEnergy. For a free 30-day trial visit us at http://www.NewEnergyAssoc.com/justdownloadit or call us at 770 779 2957 for more information ------------------------------------------------------------- PG&E Ads Blast California PUC Lawsuit PG&E has bought full-page advertisements in newspapers throughout California blasting a giant state fraud lawsuit against the bankrupt utility in a bid to topple the company's reorganization plan. The ads reprinted a recent letter to the employees of Pacific Gas and Electric from the chairman and chief executive of the parent company. He wrote that the lawsuit by the California Attorney General contained false and unwarranted accusations. The lawsuit charges that PG&E drained cash from the utility during the California power emergency to fund new businesses and drove the company into bankruptcy and seeks damages of $600 million to $4 billion. The attorney general and the PUC are working to derail the utility's reorganization plan because they don't want to lose regulatory jurisdiction over the company, the ad said. The plan would shift the utility's power generation and energy transmission systems to new companies formed by PG&E and beyond state jurisdiction. ------------------------------------------------------------- FAST. FLEXIBLE. PROVEN. The AURORA(TM) electric market model helps you deal with the challenges and risks of today's energy marketplace. Exceptionally fast and easy to learn, AURORA(TM) reflects fundamental market drivers and gives power marketers, resource developers and portfolio managers a better way to manage against market uncertainty and price volatility. AURORA delivers - ? Price forecasts - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly ? On-peak, off-peak pricing ? Resource valuation and net power costs ? Portfolio analyses ? Capacity expansion analyses ? Effects of emissions ? And much more . . . AURORA's comprehensive databases cover all electricity markets throughout the U.S. and Canada. The model also handles storage, congestion pricing, and offers detailed reporting and data export capabilities. It can be used as a stand-alone tool or be integrated with your other business tools. Visit us at www.epis.com or call (503) 722-2023. EPIS, Inc. Market Information Solutions for the Electric Power Marketplace ------------------------------------------------------------- AGA Natural Gas Storage Report Week Prev Ending Prev Prev Year | Region | 1/11/02 | Week | Diff | % Full | Year | % Full| | Prod | 733 | 777 | -44 | 78% | 343 | 35% | | East | 1396 | 1482 | -86 | 76% | 880 | 46% | | West | 400 | 407 | -7 | 79% | 236 | 47% | | Total | 2529 | 2666 |-137 | 77% | 1459 | 44% | ------------------------------------------------------------- ?????? ?GET REAL about energy risk management with KWI In today's fast moving energy markets you need to be able to manage risk in real time. That means knowing before you hit a risk problem, not afterwards when it may be too late to prevent big losses spreading right through your enterprise. With kW3000(tm), our multi-commodity, integrated front to back office software, you can monitor your Profit At Risk(tm), counterparty risk and mark-to-market all in real time. Keep alert to risk. Do it in real time. Call KWI -Americas: +1-281- 681-3301 / Europe: +44 (0) 20-7386-2700 / Asia Pacific: +61(0) 2-9976- 6111 http://www.kwi.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- Calpine Revises 2001 and 2002 Earnings Estimates Calpine has lowered its earnings estimates for 2001 and 2002. It now expects profits of $1.95 per share for 2001 compared to estimates of $2.00 per share. For 2002, it expects earnings of $1.70 per share versus estimates of $2.20 per share. Even though Calpine lowered its estimate for 2001, it will see its profits rise by 63% above 2000 earnings. Calpine also revised its capital spending budget downward by $2 billion saying it will complete 27 power projects, accounting for 15,200 MW, which are currently being built. Another 34 projects in the advanced development stage will be on hold until demand for power increases. It is also negotiating with major equipment suppliers to adjust payment schedules and revise delivery timing in line with its new construction schedule. Calpine, Mirant and other power generators have delayed or canceled billions of dollars in projects in an attempt to bolster credit ratings and reassure investors. Last month, Moody's lowered Calpine's credit rating to junk and said it remained on review for further possible downgrades. Calpine has raised almost $5 billion in the last 3 months, including a $2.6 billion bond sale. Its current generating capacity is 11,100 MW, but was scheduled to have up to 70,000 MW by the end of 2005. It now expects to have 26,300 MW by the end of 2003. Plants with a combined capacity of 82,000 MW have been canceled or postponed. Plants under construction with another 200,000 MW of capacity are on the auction block. ------------------------------------------------------------- ENERGY. @ENERGY(r), FEA's Complete Suite of Energy Products, BUILT FOR THE FUTURE. *Manage all your energy risks. *Build and Price deals. *Value physical assets (generation, storage, etc.) *Report and reduce your energy risks FEA FINANCIAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Inc. http://www.fea.com/?cId=17 main phone number:? 1 510-548-6200 email address: info@fea.com ------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL POWER PRICES | | High | Low | Average | | | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh | | Cinergy | 20.00 | 19.35 | 19.75 | | ECAR | 21.50 | 18.50 | 20.25 | | ERCOT | 21.00 | 17.55 | 19.75 | | Entergy | 23.00 | 20.00 | 21.40 | | TVA | 26.35 | 23.75 | 25.90 | | ComEd | 21.75 | 19.50 | 20.45 | | Nepool | 30.50 | 30.25 | 30.40 | | PJM West | 23.40 | 23.20 | 23.30 | | Main | 21.75 | 19.05 | 20.25 | | MAPP | 23.00 | 20.00 | 20.90 | | Palo Verde | 30.50 | 28.00 | 28.65 | | Mid C | 22.75 | 20.50 | 21.35 | | COB | 25.50 | 23.75 | 24.30 | | 4 Corners | 27.00 | 26.00 | 26.50 | | Mead | 30.00 | 28.00 | 29.10 | | NP 15 | 30.00 | 27.00 | 28.25 | | SP 15 | 30.50 | 27.25 | 28.65 | Power Delivered 1/17 ------------------------------------------------------------- FERC to Create Power Market Oversight Unit The FERC plans to create a new market oversight unit to prevent manipulation of wholesale electricity prices and supplies. The new Office of Market Oversight and Investigations is designed to protect customers through vigilant oversight of the nation's energy market, according to the FERC. It plans to have the office operating with a staff of over 50 by this Spring. The FERC currently has an office of Markets Tariffs and Rates, which monitors markets in a broad way. But, the new office will be FERC's first attempt of defining and curbing market power, either through refund orders or courts. ------------------------------------------------------------- Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra Energy Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage and Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information, visit www.desert-crossing.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Natural Gas NYMEX Volume 02FEB 32,364 02MAR 13,993 02APR 5,770 02MAY 1,972 02JUN 1,601 02JLY 3,826 02AUG 2,476 02SEP 609 02OCT 4,332 02NOV 1,411 02DEC 1,859 03JAN 953 03FEB 519 03MAR 2,032 03APR 482 03MAY 0 03JUN 69 03JLY 16 03AUG 1,532 03SEP 2 03OCT 592 03NOV 30 03DEC 181 04JAN 0 ------------------------------------------------------------- Todays Gas Bulletins * Hart Publications Launches Pipeline and Gas Technology Magazine * Dynegy Promotes Matt Schatzman to President and CEO of Energy Convergence Business * California Meteorologist Wins $50,000 in Aquila/AMS Forecast Competition * David Duncan, Fired Former Andersen Auditor Who Shredded Enron Documents, Now Cooperating with House Energy and Commerce Committee Investigation * Southern Natural Files $200 Million Debt Offer with SEC * Phillips Optimistic About Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline; Favors 2100- Mile Southern Route to Alberta, Partly Along Existing Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline and Partly Alaska Highway Route * GAO Trying to Gauge Congressional Support for Court Action Against White House Over Refusal to Give Details of How Energy Policy was Formulated ------------------------------------------------------------ Ziff Energy Group presents Gas Storage 2002 Redefining the Fundamentals: Is Gas Still in the Storage Game? Power Drives Storage Will the recession affect plant and storage development? Will record high volumes in storage further depress gas prices? Is it possible to mitigate storage risk while dealing with year-round price volatility? Plus Two Important Workshops Calpine Corporation Hear what the Power Generator wants from the storage industry Bruce Bernard Learn from the expert how to mitigate storage price risk in the 2002 gas marketplace February 6 & 7 Houston Four Season Hotel 1300 Lamar Street Register Today for this Important Conference Call 1-800-853-6252 Email: gasconference@ziffenergy.com Visit: www.ziffenergyconferences.com ------------------------------------------------------------- JP Morgan Posts 4th Quarter Loss JP Morgan Chase posted its first quarterly loss in 5 years after it wrote off loans to Argentina and Enron. The bank lost $332 million, or $0.18 per share, compared with earnings of $0.34 per share, or $708 million, in the 4th quarter of 2000. The banks decision to lend to Enron, Argentina and others that defaulted kept it from profiting from the lowest interest rates in 40 years. Competitors that took advantage of the low rates are reporting increased earnings. JP Morgan took a write-off of $456 million for trading losses and loans to Enron and still has exposure of $2.06 billion of potential losses. The lender had a complex relationship with Enron as it traded with the company, advised it and loaned it money. JP Morgan will attempt to recover its Enron loans, some of which were not backed by collateral, in bankruptcy court. The bank is also suing insurance companies for $965 million for insured oil and natural gas contracts. In addition, JP Morgan took a charge of $351 million for loans to Argentina, which devalued its currency and defaulted on its bonds. It is one of 4 US lenders with large exposures in the country. The bank said it lost $385 million in its private equity business, and also allowed $510 million to cover further possible loan defaults in response to deteriorating market conditions. ------------------------------------------------------------- R. W. Beck is an engineering and management consulting firm serving utilities, developers, financiers and governments worldwide. Founded in 1942, we help our clients face energy market challenges by providing: Portfolio Analysis to improve diversification and risk-adjusted performance of energy assets. Risk Control services to help reduce the probability of losses. Systems and Facilities services to identify, design and implement effective risk management systems. Training to improve your ability to identify and manage tactical and strategic risks. Please visit our web site at http://www.rwbeck.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Marathon Announces 2 Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Dry Holes Marathon Oil did not encounter hydrocarbons at the company's Paris Carver and Flathead exploratory wells in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico. The Paris Carver and Flathead wells are located in Green Canyon Block 601 and Walker Ridge Block 30, respectively. Paris Carver was drilled to a total depth of 24,120 feet in 4,572 feet of water, and Flathead was drilled to a total depth of 28,043 feet in 6,556 feet of water. Marathon has plugged and abandoned the Paris Carver well. The Flathead well has been temporarily abandoned and, after completing additional technical studies, Marathon is considering reentering and sidetracking options. Marathon was operator of the Paris Carver well and holds a 50% interest in Blocks 601 and 602; and also operated the Flathead well, and holds a 100% interest in Block 30. ------------------------------------------------------------- POWER FUTURES ? | Month | COB | Change | PV | Change | | FEB | 22.00 | +0.00 | 23.50 | +0.00 | | MAR | 20.50 | +0.00 | 23.00 | +0.00 | | APR | 20.90 | +0.00 | 24.25 | +0.00 | | MAY | 19.00 | +0.00 | 25.25 | +0.00 | | JUN | 20.50 | +0.00 | 30.00 | +0.00 | | JUL | 30.50 | +0.00 | 40.00 | +0.00 | | AUG | 40.50 | +0.00 | 44.25 | +0.00 | | SEP | 35.00 | +0.00 | 35.00 | +0.00 | | OCT | 27.00 | +0.00 | 27.50 | +0.00 | | NOV | 26.50 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 | | DEC | 27.50 | +0.00 | 27.50 | +0.00 | | JAN | 27.00 | +0.00 | 27.00 | +0.00 | | Month | Entergy | Change | Cinergy | Change | | FEB | 20.15 | +0.65 | 21.20 | +0.65 | | MAR | 20.70 | +0.35 | 22.10 | +0.10 | | APR | 20.70 | +0.35 | 22.10 | +0.10 | | MAY | 23.75 | +0.25 | 25.35 | +0.15 | | JUN | 29.00 | +0.00 | 31.65 | +0.00 | | JUL | 38.00 | +0.25 | 41.70 | +0.00 | | AUG | 28.00 | +0.00 | 41.70 | +0.00 | | SEP | 22.25 | +0.00 | 23.15 | +0.25 | | OCT | 22.25 | +0.25 | 23.25 | +0.25 | | NOV | 22.25 | +0.25 | 23.00 | +0.00 | | DEC | 22.25 | +0.25 | 23.00 | +0.00 | | JAN | 24.75 | +0.25 | 26.00 | +0.00 | ------------------------------------------------------------- Power Futures | Month | PJM | Change | | FEB | 24.75 | +0.10 | | MAR | 24.90 | +0.15 | | APR | 24.90 | +0.15 | | MAY | 28.25 | +0.05 | | JUN | 35.15 | -0.10 | | JUL | 48.75 | -0.10 | | AUG | 48.75 | -0.10 | | SEP | 25.55 | +0.05 | | OCT | 25.25 | +0.00 | | NOV | 25.25 | +0.00 | | DEC | 25.25 | +0.00 | | JAN | 29.00 | +0.30 | ------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Seminars, Inc. Announces Key Seminar Offerings for January: Energy Seminars will be going to Florida and Calgary in 2002! Click to www.energyseminars.com to see our 2002 schedule. Register on-line at http://www.energyseminars.com or call Registrar Gina Patrick Phone: 281-362-7979 FAX: 281-296-9922 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Dominion Resources Expects 4th Quarter Costs Dominion Resources had 4th quarter expenses of $348 million for losses from dealings with Enron and for a restructuring. The company's 2001 earnings, excluding some items, met or exceeded forecasts of $4.15 per share. The expenses include $97 million related to Enron, a $183 million write-off of Dominion Capital assets and $68 million from a restructuring. The Enron costs involve $6 million for past sales to the energy trader and $91 million for the decline in value of forward natural gas contracts with Enron. Dominion expects profit this year of $4.90 - $4.95 per share. Earnings after 2002 should rise at an average annual rate of 10%, Dominion says. Last November, Dominion cut its senior-management team by 19 officers, or 25%. Dominion has hedged more than 60% of its 2002 natural gas production and 40% of its 2003 natural gas volume at prices above current market prices. ------------------------------------------------------------- UBS to Restart EnronOnline Natural gas traders who did large volumes of business with Enron are taking a wait-and-see approach toward dealing with the new market player expected to emerge from the recent deal with Swiss bank, UBS. Some have their doubts about UBS' potential impact on the market. The deal calls for UBS to restart the trading business, including EnronOnline, with the help of 830 former Enron workers. However, even if the deal does get the court's approval, there is still some question among marketers and traders as to whether a revitalized trading operation could recapture the dominant market share Enron held prior to bankruptcy. ------------------------------------------------------------- ????????????????Progas Storage Services, Inc Was recently organized to offer specialized natural gas storage services to marketers and end users servicing the upper Midwest and Northeast market regions along the major transmission systems in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Michigan. PGSMI has 10 bcf of potential working capacity which will offer service along TXG, ANR, Midwestern, and is currently evaluating for purchase another 21 bcf of potential working capacity which can be serviced by these and other systems in the region. PGSMI also explores for natural gas in the Gulf Coast region through a wholly owned subsidiary. Progas intends to go public through a route of private industry offerings, and an IPO or registration. For more information on services or the company mail to: gastorage@aol.com or for AOL mail to gastorage@aol.com; The company's executive and administrative office is located in Abilene, Texas with storage operations in Owensboro, KY and exploration operations in Corpus Christi, TX. Vist our website http://www.progas.net/wip Progas Storage Services, Inc? 8610 S. Hwy 277 Abilene, TX 79606 Ph 915 698 3699 Fx 915 698 2859 ------------------------------------------------------------- President Urges Senate to Act on National Energy Plan In an address in New Orleans, President Bush said that it was a matter of national security for the US to have a National Energy Package. The president urged the Senate, where energy legislation is currently stalled, to take immediate action to pass a National Energy Plan. The president's remarks come prior to Congress reconvening next week after the holiday recess. The White House, labor and business leaders support the development of resources in ANWR to increase energy independence, national security and create over 755,000 jobs. Opening the ANWR could double the current domestic supply of oil and make the US far less reliant on foreign sources for its energy needs. The US Geological Survey reports that the 1.5 million-acre tract holds upwards of 16 billion barrels of recoverable oil, which is the energy equivalent of 17.7 billion barrels of gasoline, enough to supply the total US gasoline demand for nearly 6 years. Arctic Power, an Alaskan-based non-profit organization that supports the opening of ANWR says that Congress has debated ANWR for over 14 years and now it is the responsibility of the Senate to face up to the realities of the present situation. The 2,000 acres of the ANWR designated for exploration could replace Iraqi imports for the next 70 years. ------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SUMMARY The TSE 300 dropped 59.88 points to 7584.02 The CRB Index added 1.32 points to 194.32 The US Dollar increased 0.16 points to 117.56 The Dow declined 211.46 points to 9712.27 The S&P 500 lost 18.62 points to 1127.57 The Nasdaq was down 56.47 points to 1944.44 February NYMEX Crude Oil fell 0.04 to 18.86 Canadian-US Exchange rose 0.0050 to 1.5947 ------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Text, Lotus, AOL, Yahoo, Excite, Readers-subscribe by writing to: enerfax-subscribe@egroups.com Outlook Email Readers-subscribe to webmail by writing to: mailto:join-EnerfaxDaily@relay.netatlantic.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Washington DC January 24, 2002 Spencer Abraham U.S. Secretary of Energy to address energy community on potential security and commerce threats. Also to speak will be key directors from the CIA, SPR, IEA, SPR and more. See complete detail and register today at http://www.wesc.org ------------------------------------------------------------- Please welcome our advertisers by visiting these websites. http://www.e-acumen.com http://www.kwi.com/ http://www.fea.com/ http://www.caminus.com/ http://www.progas.net/wip http://www.ziffenergyconferences.com/ http://www.energyseminars.com http://www.desert-crossing.com http://www.epis.com http://www.rwbeck.com http://www.NewEnergyAssoc.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/