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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: enerfax1 <enerfax@msn.com< X-To: EnerfaxGOLD@yahoogroups.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Kim_Watson_Mar2002\Watson, Kimberly\Deleted Items X-Origin: Watson-K X-FileName: kwatson (Non-Privileged).pst Enerfax GOLD NORTH AMERICA'S FREE? GAS, OIL, LIQUIDS & DERIVATIVES INFORMATION SOURCE Tuesday, January 15 2002? No. 462 Visit our website at: http://www.enerfaxgold.com/, PETROLEUM PRICES ??? | Bonny Light | $18.99 | Brent | $18.76 | Butane | $ 0.32 | Fuel Oil #2 | $ 0.51 | Louisiana | $19.13 | Medit. | $18.51 | Propane Non-tet | $ 0.28 | Propane Wet-tet | $ 0.28 | W. Tx Int Cush | $18.88 | W. Tx Sour | $17.40 | Euro in US equiv | 0.8944 ------------------------------------------------------------- Todays Petro Bulletins * EIA Says Mexico Top Source of US Crude Oil Imports in November at 1.626 Million bpd * ChevronTexaco Closes Crude Unit at 225,000 bpd Richmond Oil Refinery Near San Francisco for About a Month of Scheduled Maintenance * CONSOL Energy to Demonstrate Drilling Technology; Project to Sequester CO2 in Coal Seams, Enhance Methane Recovery * Continental Energy Gets Green Light for Its Bangkudulis Field Development in Indonesia * Ness Energy International Appoints David Boyce as Director of Domestic Oil and Gas Operations * Synergy to Acquire Controlling Interest in CPJ Heavy Oil Upgrading Technology from Texas T Petroleum Ltd * CNOOC and Shell Sign Production Sharing Contract for Bohai Bay ------------------------------------------------------------- NYMEX - NY Harbor Heating Oil? ? ? ? ? ? Month ??High ??Low? ? Last ? Change FEB 02 0.5400 0.5090 0.5166 -0.0228 MAR 02 0.5420 0.5150 0.5250 -0.0222 APR 02 0.5420 0.5225 0.5290 -0.0137 MAY 02 0.5390 0.5300 0.5305 -0.0167 JUN 02 0.5415 0.5305 0.5355 -0.0152 JUL 02 0.5470 0.5360 0.5415 -0.0147 AUG 02 0.5600 0.5452 0.5490 -0.0142 SEP 02 0.5657 0.5550 0.5575 -0.0137 OCT 02 0.5740 0.5650 0.5665 -0.0132 NOV 02 0.5840 0.5740 0.5745 -0.0127 ------------------------------------------------------------- NYMEX Crude Oil Futures ($ / Barrel) Month ?Open ?High ??Low ?Last Change FEB 02 19.35 19.45 18.65 18.89 -0.79 MAR 02 20.00 20.10 19.30 19.41 -0.91 APR 02 20.38 20.38 19.65 19.74 -0.87 MAY 02 20.50 20.53 19.80 19.91 -0.82 JUN 02 20.60 20.65 19.95 20.03 -0.76 JUL 02 20.57 20.57 20.10 20.06 -0.73 AUG 02 20.20 20.20 20.20 20.09 -0.71 SEP 02 21.10 20.65 20.10 20.12 -0.69 OCT 02 20.60 20.60 20.30 20.15 -0.67 NOV 02 20.50 20.60 20.50 20.18 -0.65 ------------------------------------------------------------- Crude Oil Futures Fall Crude oil futures for February delivery on the NYMEX fell $0.79 to $18.89 per barrel yesterday as the market continues to focus on bulging inventories, driven higher by a sharp drop in demand as a result of the absence of sustained cold weather in the Northeast. Traders are continuing to look for signs of an actual decrease in exports by OPEC and non-cartel producers. Many question how stringently OPEC and non-aligned producers will comply with new production curbs aimed at removing nearly 2.0 million bpd from the worlds supplies. Reports that Saudi Arabia is notifying customers of cuts in February volumes have led some to speculate that compliance was not all that great in January. Traders are also looking at Russian refined-product exports which, if increased, would offset its pledge to cut crude exports by 150,000 bpd. With the API report due out later today, it is also likely that some are just taking a wait and see stance. However, there are predictions that distillate demand will improve somewhat after 3 consecutive weeks of huge inventory increases. A drop in gasoline and heating oil futures also pressured the market downward. Heating oil futures for February delivery on the NYMEX slid $0.0228 to $0.5166 per gallon. February gasoline futures on the NYMEX lost $0.0226 to $0.5505 per gallon. In London, Brent crude oil futures for February delivery on the IPE were down $1.08 to $19.78 per barrel as they are set to expire on Wednesday. March Brent crude futures dropped $0.99 to 18.93 per barrel. ------------------------------------------------------------- ?????????????????????? NYMEX Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures 12 Month Strip ?2.5345 +0.0247 ? ? ? 18 Month Strip ?2.6547 +0.0205 ? ? | Month | High | Low | Close | Change | | FEB | 2.325 | 2.200 | 2.250 | +0.046 | | MAR | 2.300 | 2.190 | 2.240 | +0.037 | | APR | 2.330 | 2.230 | 2.277 | +0.027 | | MAY | 2.390 | 2.290 | 2.348 | +0.026 | | JUN | 2.450 | 2.380 | 2.413 | +0.023 | | JUL | 2.525 | 2.460 | 2.483 | +0.023 | | AUG | 2.570 | 2.510 | 2.528 | +0.023 | | SEP | 2.570 | 2.510 | 2.532 | +0.022 | | OCT | 2.585 | 2.525 | 2.557 | +0.022 | | NOV | 2.785 | 2.735 | 2.762 | +0.017 | | DEC | 3.000 | 2.925 | 2.967 | +0.017 | | JAN | 3.080 | 3.020 | 3.057 | +0.013 | ------------------------------------------------------------- Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project (SRP) and Sempra Energy Resources announce Open Season for proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage and Transportation System. Open Season for customers interested in capacity begins Jan. 10, 2002 and extends through Feb. 8, 2002. For information, visit www.desert-crossing.com ------------------------------------------------------------- Retail Gasoline Price Slips Slightly Retail gasoline prices fell for the 1st time in 4 weeks last week, declining $0.001 to $1.111 per gallon , according to the DOE. Prices are down $0.36 from a year ago. The national average price for reformulated gasoline was $0.017 higher at $1.134 per gallon. West Coast prices gained $0.033 to $1.184 per gallon. The Gulf Coast states had the cheapest fuel with an average price pf $0.061 per gallon, up $0.006. The average retail price for diesel fuel dropped $0.009 to $1.159 per gallon, down $0.35 from a year ago. New England paid the most for diesel fuel at $1.295 per gallon, up $0.004, and the Gulf Coast states had the cheapest diesel at $1.127 per gallon, down $0.008. ------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Releases Opt in Email has 9 times the response of regular mail and costs less than the postage. Have your press or news releases sent to over 50,000 energy professionals. For More Information Write Energyreleases@yahoo.com ------------------------------------------------------------- PFC 50 The PFC 50 serves as a guidepost for international energy companies competing in a changing and converging landscape. Visit www.pfcenergy.com for full details. PFC is a leading strategic advisory firm in global energy with clients worldwide, including major energy companies, financial institutions and governments. The top 23 are listed below. Rank Rank Company Market Share 12/31/01 12/29/00 Value Price 12/31/01 Change ($US Bill) (01/00) 1 1 EXXONMOBIL (NYSE:XOM) 268.8 -10% 0% 2 2 RD/SHELL (NYSE:RD, SC) 174.7 -18% - 3% 3 3 BP (NYSE:BP) 174.3 -4% - 6% 4 4 TOTALFINAELF (NYSE:TOT) 100.7 -4% 6% 5 6 CHEVRONTEXACO (NYSE:CVX) 95.6 6% 6% 6 7 ENI (NYSE:E) 50.2 -2% 1% 7 9 E.ON (NYSE:EON) 39.7 -15% 1% 8 8 ENEL (NYSE:EN) 34.2 -25% - 4% 9 22 BHP BILLITON (NYSE:BHP) 31.7 14% 26% 10 10 SCHLUMBERGER (NYSE:SLB) 31.6 -31% 20% 11 N/A PETROCHINA (NYSE:PTR) 31.1 6% - 5% 12 11 SUEZ (NYSE:SZE) 30.9 -17% - 9% 13 14 DUKE ENERGY (NYSE:DUK) 30.5 -8% 4% 14 13 TOKYO ELEC. PWR. 28.8 -14% - 15% 15 15 PETROBRAS (NYSE:PBR) 24.4 -7% 15% 16 35 PHILLIPS (NYSE:P) 23.0 6% 12% 17 28 EL PASO (NYSE:EP) 22.8 -38% 7% 18 16 RWE 20.0 -15% - 6% 19 20 REPSOL YPF (NYSE:REP) 17.8 -9% 1% 20 25 CONOCO (NYSE:COC) 17.7 -2% 12% 21 19 SOUTHERN (NYSE:SO) 17.6 26% 6% 22 24 ENDESA (NYSE:ELE) 16.6 -8% 1% 23 18 EXELON (NYSE:EXC) 15.4 -32% 7% ------------------------------------------------------------- ??GET REAL about energy risk management with KWI In today's fast moving energy markets you need to be able to manage risk in real time. That means knowing before you hit a risk problem, not afterwards when it may be too late to prevent big losses spreading right through your enterprise. With kW3000(tm), our multi-commodity, integrated front to back office software, you can monitor your Profit At Risk(tm), counterparty risk and mark-to-market all in real time. Keep alert to risk. Do it in real time. Call KWI -http://www.kwi.com/ Americas: +1-281-681-3301 / Europe: +44 (0) 20-7386-2700 / Asia Pacific: +61(0) 2-9976-6111 ????? ------------------------------------------------------------- Conoco Attractive Prospect for Totalfina and Shell The merger between Phillips and Conoco may face some stiff hurdles, namely TotalFina Elf and Royal Dutch/Shell. The two major European oil companies are both looking at the possibility of stealing Conoco from Phillips. Either company could appeal to Conoco's shareholders, some of whom are upset that they were not offered a takeover premium by Phillips. TotalFina Elf has long been looking to expand its presence in the North American market and was thought to be sizing up Conoco before the Phillips deal was announced. Shell has only made $6 billion worth of acquisitions over the past 3 years and finds itself with an abundance of cash that it needs to spend. Tax complications prevent it from repurchasing stock as other companies have done and due to the recent rash of mergers, there is a shortage of viable projects in which to invest. If Shell pursues less viable projects, returns on capital will suffer, but that will happen if it keeps storing up cash so a takeover of Conoco presents an attractive alternative for the company. However, Totalfina is seen as having a better chance than many of gaining US regulatory approval. Shell, BP, ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco are constrained because of their already sizable presence in the US. One problem other bidders for Conoco could encounter is the hefty $550 million breakup fee that Phillips and Conoco have written into their contract to discourage any attempts to kill the deal. ------------------------------------------------------------- IPE-Brent Crude futures (US $/barrel) Month ?First ?High ?Low ??Sett ?Chg FEB 02 20.58 20.68 19.60 19.78 ?1.08 MAR 02 19.60 19.75 18.92 18.93 -0.99 APR 02 19.77 19.82 19.00 19.08 -0.95 MAY 02 19.78 19.80 19.04 19.12 -0.90 JUN 02 19.75 19.80 19.13 19.13 -0.87 JUL 02 19.80 19.80 19.13 19.17 -0.82 AUG 02 19.80 19.80 19.20 19.21 -0.79 SEP 02 19.77 19.77 19.25 19.25 -0.76 OCT 02 19.56 19.56 19.29 19.29 -0.73 NOV 02 19.32 19.32 19.32 19.32 -0.71 ------------------------------------------------------------- NYMEX-Mont Belvieu Propane Gas Futures($ / Gallon) Month ? ?High ??Low ??Last ? Change Feb 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2750 -0.0150 Mar 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2750 -0.0150 Apr 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2750 -0.0150 May 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2775 -0.0150 Jun 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2850 -0.0100 Jul 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.3025 +0.0000 Aug 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.3075 +0.0000 Sep 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.3075 +0.0000 Oct 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.3175 +0.0000 Nov 02 0.0000 0.0000 0.3175 +0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------- Enterprise Considers Restructuring Enterprise Oil Plc is considering pulling out of the Gulf of Mexico and Iran as part of a restructuring as it faces a potential bid from Italy's Eni. Enterprise plans a management and strategy change which it will present to investors next month. Last week, Enterprise rejected the unsolicited approach from Eni. Eni management is due to meet analysts next Monday for a strategy presentation when it could announce an increased bid. ------------------------------------------------------------- IPE - ARA Gas Oil Futures $ / Tonne Month ??High ??Low ???Sett ?Change FEB 02 165.25 158.00 158.50 - 9.00 MAR 02 167.00 160.75 160.75 - 8.50 APR 02 168.25 162.75 162.75 - 8.00 MAY 02 170.00 164.75 164.75 - 7.50 JUN 02 171.25 166.75 166.75 - 7.25 JUL 02 170.50 168.50 168.50 - 7.00 AUG 02 173.00 170.25 170.25 - 6.75 SEP 02 172.00 172.00 172.00 - 6.50 OCT 02 176.50 173.75 173.75 - 6.25 NOV 02 178.75 174.75 174.75 - 6.25 ------------------------------------------------------------- NY HARBOR UNLEADED GAS FUTURES Month? ?High ? Low ???Last ??Change FEB 02 0.5700 0.5370 0.5505 -0.0226 MAR 02 0.5840 0.5530 0.5657 -0.0219 APR 02 0.6475 0.6275 0.6345 -0.0176 MAY 02 0.6525 0.6365 0.6420 -0.0161 JUN 02 0.6535 0.6380 0.6445 -0.0141 JUL 02 0.6620 0.6550 0.6516 -0.0123 AUG 02 0.6535 0.6495 0.6391 -0.0123 SEP 02 0.6330 0.6320 0.6216 -0.0123 OCT 02 0.5961 0.5961 0.5961 -0.0123 NOV 02 0.5886 0.5886 0.5886 -0.0123 -------------------------------------------------------------- ExxonMobil to Supply Kuwait with Qatar Natural Gas ExxonMobil has reached an agreement to supply Kuwait with natural gas from Qatar's giant North Field. The agreement between ExxonMobil, Kuwait Petroleum and Qatar Petroleum calls for production from the Enhanced Gas Utilization project in Qatar's North Field to be supplied to Kuwait. Capacity of the project is about 1.75 Bcf per day. Qatar has the world's 3rd-largest natural gas reserves and is seeking to increase exports to the Gulf region after investing billions of dollars for drilling. Kuwait needs to secure a steady natural gas supply to meet power generation needs. ------------------------------------------------------------- ??ENERGY. @ENERGY(r), FEA's Complete Suite of Energy Products, BUILT FOR THE FUTURE. *Manage all your energy risks. *Build and Price deals. *Value physical assets (generation, storage, etc.) *Report and reduce your energy risks FEA FINANCIAL ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES Inc. http://www.fea.com/?cId=17 main phone number:? 1 510-548-6200 email address: info@fea.com ------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL GAS PRICES? ? ? Gulf/Eastern Region | Agua Dulce | 2.15 | | ANR SE | 2.25 | | Carthage TG | 2.20 | | Chicago Citygate | 2.25 | | Columbia Gulf Onshore | 2.30 | | Dominion South Point | 2.40 | | Henry Hub | 2.32 | | Houston Ship Channel | 2.28 | | Katy Hub | 2.22 | | NGPL LA Pool | 2.21 | | NGPL - Midcontinent | 2.18 | | NGPL STX | 2.16 | | NGPL TX/OK | 2.18 | | NNG Demarc. | 2.19 | | Niagara | 2.47 | | Sonat Tier 1 | 2.25 | | TCO IPP Pool | 2.39 | | Tetco ELa | 2.30 | | Tetco M-3 | 2.70 | | Tetco STX | 2.17 | | TGP Zone 0 | 2.18 | | TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 2.25 | | TGT Zone SL | 2.31 | | New York Citygate | 2.71 | | Transco Station 65 | 2.40 | | Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 2.72 | | Trunk ELa | 2.24 | | Western Region | California Border | 2.16 | | El Paso Keystone | 2.05 | | El Paso San Juan-Blanco | 2.05 | | Waha Hub | 2.12 | | Canadian/Rockies Region | Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 2.86 | | Dawn Hub/Union | 2.32 | | Northwest Stanfield | 2.04 | | Wyoming Pool | 1.97 | | Opal/Kern River | 1.97 | | PGT-Malin | 2.12 | | Sumas | 2.04 | Flow Date 1/15 ------------------------------------------------------------- Canadian Energy Companies' Profits Tumble Canada's energy companies will have the weakest quarterly results in 2 years, due to slumping oil and natural gas prices. The recession has meant sharp drops in both commodity prices in the 4th quarter as demand fell. Suncor has warned will be a drop in net earnings of as much as 75% from the 3rd quarter. Analysts are forecasting almost every energy company in 2002 to have lower earnings and cash flow than in 2001, and then positive increments again in 2003. Suncor warned of weaker results on Friday, with numbers showing net income would fall into the C$18 million to C$22 million range, down from C$73 million in the 3rd quarter and C$111 million a year earlier. Besides the lower prices, Suncor had higher than expected costs for starting up the C$3.4 billion expansion of its northern Alberta oil sands operation, and squeezed profit margins in its refining segment, a situation expected to hit all the integrated companies. The impact of weaker prices has already caused drilling activity to fall below last year's record levels and recent predictions that overall spending in 2002 will 25% below 2001 levels. ------------------------------------------------------------- Washington DC January 24, 2002 Spencer Abraham U.S. Secretary of Energy to address energy community on potential security and commerce threats. Also to speak will be key directors from the CIA, SPR, IEA, SPR and more. See complete detail and register today at http://www.wesc.org ------------------------------------------------------------- FINANCIAL SUMMARY The TSE 300 dipped 78.65 points to 7623.28 The CRB Index slid 1.89 points to 192.50 The US Dollar decreased 0.16 points to 116.48 The Dow declined 96.11 points to 9891.42 The S&P 500 dropped 7.19 points to 1138.41 The Nasdaq was down 31.72 points to 1990.74 February NYMEX Crude Oil fell 0.79 to 18.89 Canadian-US Exchange lost 0.0001 to 1.5971 ------------------------------------------------------------- Please Welcome Our Advertisers by Visiting These Websites! http://www.fea.com/ http://www.kwi.com/ http://www.desert-crossing.com To subscribe write enerfaxgold-subscribe@egroups.com To unsubscribe write enerfaxgold-unsubscribe@egroups.com For information on advertising, please write advertising@enerfax.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/