Enron Mail

To:pat.vaughan@enron.com, jennifer.jordan@enron.com, bill.donovan@enron.com,dan.fancler@enron.com, joni.fisher@enron.com, l..harrison@enron.com, stephen.havemann@enron.com, gary.hugo@enron.com, robert.james@enron.com, exec.jones@enron.com, r..kennedy@enr
Subject:Please Read - Special Board Meeting
Date:Wed, 21 Nov 2001 06:19:59 -0800 (PST)

I will not be able to attend as I am scheduled to be in Philadelphia that
evening. I can be accessible by telephone.

Please let me know.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vaughan, Pat [mailto:Pat.Vaughan@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:52 PM
To: Jordan, Jennifer; Donovan, Bill; Fancler, Dan; Fisher, Joni;
Harrison, Karen L.; Havemann, Stephen; Hugo, Gary; James, Robert; Jones,
Robert W.- HR Exec; Kennedy, Phyllis R.; Langeland, Dianne; McAdoo, Jack V;
Neville, Tom; Olszewski, Stephanie; Pickering, Mark; Rittgers, Dan;
Sullivan, Michael; Watson, Kimberly; Weir, Debra
Cc: Jordan, Jennifer
Subject: RE: Please Read - Special Board Meeting

I will not be able to attend as I will be traveling back to Houston
Omaha by personal car on Dec 5.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jordan, Jennifer
Sent: Tue 11/20/2001 10:36 AM
To: Donovan, Bill; Fancler, Dan; Fisher, Joni; Harrison,
L.; Havemann, Stephen; Hugo, Gary; James, Robert; Jones, Robert W.-
Exec; Kennedy, Phyllis R.; Langeland, Dianne; McAdoo, Jack V;
Tom; Olszewski, Stephanie; Pickering, Mark; Rittgers, Dan; Sullivan,
Michael; Vaughan, Pat; Watson, Kimberly; Weir, Debra
Cc: Jordan, Jennifer
Subject: Please Read - Special Board Meeting

You are hereby notified that a special meeting of
Board of Directors of Enron Federal Credit Union will be held on
Wednesday, December 5th, 2001 at 5:30 P.M. Conference Room EB/ECN
1400 Smith Street, has been reserved for your use. The topic for
special meeting is to review the NCUA exam and to discuss the 2002

We would appreciate your support in making our
as efficient and as productive as they can be.

If you will not be attending; or

If you will not be able to arrive at the
of the meeting at 5:30 p.m.; or

If you would like to join the meeting by
conference call,

Please RSVP to Jennifer Jordan by, returning an
email or
by phone.

It is imperative that we are advised whether or not
will be in attendance, due to the fact that the NCUA examiner will
joining us for this meeting.

Please note: If you would like to invite a guest to
board meeting, please notify Jack McAdoo at x3-6249 prior to the
for the schedule considerations.

Thank you,

Jennifer D. Jordan
(713) 853-7554

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