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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Robert_Dayton@hyperion.com X-To: Invitees of <Robert_Dayton@hyperion.com< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \KWATSON (Non-Privileged)\Watson, Kimberly\Deleted Items X-Origin: Watson-K X-FileName: KWATSON (Non-Privileged).pst FYI ... for those who did not receive notification of the re-scheduled seminar originally set for September 12th. Please note that current registration exceeds 125 registrants, so please be sure to register soon if you plan on attending, so that The Four Seasons may be given an accurate attendee total to ensure proper accommodations. Thanks for your assistance! The rescheduled date has been set for the Hyperion session featuring Reliant Energy, who will be demonstrating how they leverage Hyperion technology to deliver business value. If you were registered for the previous 9/12 session, you may contact Karen Wasmer directly (karen_wasmer@hyperion.com or 630-245-4772) to have your registration transferred. Otherwise you may register at 800-286-8000 or www.hyperion.com/seminars. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to others in your organization that you would like to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! How Did Hyperion Help Reliant Energy Leverage their ERP and Data Warehouse Investments? How did Reliant Energy Address the Consolidation, Reporting, Analysis, Modeling, Budgeting and Forecasting Issues that existed within SAP? "Delivered via a corporate Intranet portal, SPARC [Systemized Performance Analysis and Reporting Channel] provides: forward looking, integrated financial statements ... a repository for variance explanation across forecast cycles; and a communicator of performance data." Commentary by David Michie, Reliant Energy From The Data Warehousing Institute's WHAT WORKS, Volume 11 - Case Studies.url<< http://www.dw-institute.com/whatworks11/cs/cs7/cs7.html Join us Tuesday, October 30th, 2001 at The Four Seasons Hotel to understand how Reliant Energy has addressed the major changes in its industry so that it now has the ability to manage the short-term and long-term business horizons in a more deregulated world. Reliant Energy, Arthur Andersen, and Thinkfast Consulting will present on how Reliant Energy leveraged their ERP and Data Warehouse investments with Hyperion to create SPARC, their reporting, analysis, budgeting, forecasting and modeling system. Prior to Hyperion, according to David Michie, "...previous plan, actuals, and one-year forecast updates came from separate source systems utilizing different account definitions and formats, which made comparability and consolidation very difficult. This led to analysts re-formatting data, adjusting links, and modifying formulas. In addition, update-to-update changes could not be identified on a real-time basis." Learn how Reliant Energy leverages Hyperion Solutions to: ? Reduce its Forecasting and Management Cycle from 8-10 days to 2-3 days ? Provide a "single version of the truth" for business rules with the Hyperion Analytic Platform, which has reduced the average decision making horizon from indefinite (multiple internal meetings) to minutes or hours ? Automate integration with their ERP Package ? Facilitate reporting, analysis, modeling and planning from multiple data sources - including ERP, Data Warehouse, Legacy and others ? Eliminate manual efforts of spreadsheet shadow systems - re-formatting of data, adjusting links, modifying formulas, etc. ? Gain an extensible solution that can be leveraged enterprise wide with the Hyperion Analytic Platform ? Successfully deliver business value, utilizing partnerships with Arthur Andersen and Thinkfast Consulting Where: The Four Seasons 1300 Lamar, Houston, TX 77010 (713) 650-1300 When: Tues, October 30th, 2001 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM A continental breakfast will be served starting at 8:15 AM. (See attached file: Houston Seminar Invite 10-30-01 - Reliant Energy.doc) Agenda 08:15 ? 09:00 Registration / Continental Breakfast 09:00 ? 09:30 Business Value of Analytics 09:30 ? 10:30 Reliant Energy Discussion and Demonstration of Consolidation Process 10:30 ? 10:45 Break 10:45 ? 11:30 Reliant Energy Discussion and Demonstration of Web Deployed Budgeting, Forecasting and Modeling Process 11:30 ? 12:00 Q&A For additional information, please contact Robert Dayton at Robert_Dayton@hyperion.com To register for this free seminar, please call 1-800-286-8000 or sign up at Hyperion's website at www.hyperion.com/seminars