Enron Mail

Subject:Change Control Request - TW Group
Cc:lisa.sawyer@enron.com, jan.moore@enron.com, jeanette.doll@enron.com,tracy.geaccone@enron.com, lindy.donoho@enron.com, steven.harris@enron.com, lorraine.lindberg@enron.com, tk.lohman@enron.com, michelle.lokay@enron.com, mark.mcconnell@enron.com, audr
Bcc:lisa.sawyer@enron.com, jan.moore@enron.com, jeanette.doll@enron.com,tracy.geaccone@enron.com, lindy.donoho@enron.com, steven.harris@enron.com, lorraine.lindberg@enron.com, tk.lohman@enron.com, michelle.lokay@enron.com, mark.mcconnell@enron.com, audr
Date:Thu, 14 Feb 2002 11:32:18 -0800 (PST)

Glenda, per our conversation on this morning, please complete the following request for the TW Commercial Group:

Create an individual drive to be shared by the TW-Marketing Group.
Move the files listed below to that created drive -
TW Desk
TW IOS Posting
TW Longterm
Restore TW Desk
Give access only to the persons listed below:

Name Corp ID's
Steve Harris sharris
Audrey Robertson arobert
Kimberly Watson kwatson
Lorraine Lindberg llindbe
TK Lohman tlohman
Michelle Lokay mlokay
Mark McConnell mmcconne
Paul Y'Barbo pybarbo
Tracey Geaccone tgeacco
Jane Moore jmoore3
Jeanette Doll jdoll
Kevin Hyatt khyatt
Eric Gadd egadd
Susan Wadle swadle

Glenda, please provide a list of persons (presently) capable of accessing the shared drive [common on 'gthou-dv01' (S:)] as well.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,

By the way, if any of the login IDs are incorrect, please feel free to contact that person directly.


Audrey D. Robertson
Transwestern Pipeline Company
email address: audrey.robertson@enron.com
(713) 853-5849
(713) 646-2551 Fax