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-----Original Message----- From: clarencekerley [mailto:Bill@bkspeaks.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:40 AM To: ordinarylife@yahoogroups.com Subject: [ordinarylife] An Appeal from Bolivia ORDINARY LIFE - Thoughts and Ideas to Help You Live a Happier Life ====================================== Summary of January 27, 2002 ====================================== Dear Folks - This on-line newsletter offering previews and summaries of the Ordinary Life gathering now goes to almost 800 people all over the United States and in at least three foreign countries that I know of. I am both delighted and stunned that my rantings are useful to so many. Of course, I hope what I have to teach has universal applicability even though it is spoken to a group of 100 to 120 folks in Houston each week. Sometimes things are more meaningful to the local gathering. That may be the case for what happened this past Sunday. Then, again, maybe not. Read on ? Richard Wingfield put together a moving and informative video about work that the Ordinary Life gathering has had a stake in for some years now. We have sent both people and money to our "sister" church in Cochabamba, Bolivia. I want to quote at length from a letter sent to the Ordinary Life gathering by Wilson Boots. He was on the video shown Sunday. "I trust that you have had opportunity to see the video record filmed by Richard Wingfield of the dedication of the health clinic at Emmanuel Methodist in Cochabamba, Bolivia. It was a wonderful day, filled with hope for the host of church and community people who gathered to celebrate this special moment. With much gratitude we expressed heartfelt thanks for the vision and commitment of the Ordinary Life Class that through your special offing made possible the construction of this community health center. It's location adjacent to the back wall of our small church sanctuary symbolizes in a special way the profound Gospel dimensions of the healing and health that are shared here daily in the lives of very poor people of the community. "It will be of interest to you to know that the small room where Rev. Diane Wimberley is living during her year of service with Emmanuel is just thirty feet away from this modest clinic. Diane is involved daily in ministry with the dedicated community M.D. and nurse who provide such excellent care for so many children, women and men who have no other possibilities for medical care due to their situation of poverty and absence of other health care alternatives. "This is a time of serious crisis, however, for this medical outreach ministry. Due to the general economic crisis in Bolivia, and the ending of financial support for the Doctor and nurse due to the unusual circumstances of the international organization that has been giving support, the work of this medical outpost has been seriously curtailed. In fact, if minimal monthly funding cannot be made available for at least a few months until some alternative grant can be secured, it is the real possibility that the clinic will be closed. "I want to ask your consideration for the possibility of some immediate support of this urgent need." Diane Wimberley sent a letter to Richard Wingfield in which she also explains the situation. I cites parts of it: "One of the things that I am writing about is a need for money. The center is in bad shape. The doc is having to cut his hours back in order to take another job - a situation caused both by the situation here and his practice not pulling in what it should due to the economic crisis in the country. "He is a rare one who is deeply committed to this center and everything that it stands for. He recruits other doc's in the city to volunteer, works on soliciting other clients. He basically has told me that his life was changed by the center when he began and nothing can make him leave it now. So he will work three jobs: for the government which he hates, for the university, in his private practice and come here 2 hours in the middle of the day. He is completely committed to helping children and their families. " Diane states that up until this crisis he was being paid $250 a month by the center. That is the amount she is asking for from Ordinary Life. I have gotten both calls and e-mails from folks after last Sunday indicating that people are more than willing to see us do this - or perhaps even more. We didn't have time to discuss this Sunday but I wanted you to have this information and we'll talk about it when we gather this week. Thanks again to Richard Wingfield for doing such an outstanding job bringing us the story. Much love, Bill Kerley ====================================== Ordinary Life is a gathering that provides an opportunity to develop an enlightened heart and an awakened mind to the reality of the present moment. The gathering meets on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am in Fondren Hall at St. Paul's UMC - 5501 South Main, Houston, Texas and is taught by Dr. Bill Kerley. If you would like more information - Contact Bill Kerley - E-Mail - Bill@bkspeaks.com Web - www.bkspeaks.com Voice - 713-663-7771 Fax - 713-663-6418 Mail - 6300 West Loop South, Suite 480 Bellaire, TX 77401 ============================== You can access the archives of these newsletters by going to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ordinarylife You can add someone you know would be interested in receiving these on- line newsletters by sending that information to - Bill@bkspeaks.com I'll make sure they are added immediately! Or, they can subscribe themselves by sending an e-mail directly to Ordinarylife-subscribe@yahoogroups.com You can unsubscribe to this newsletter by sending an e-mail to ordinarylife-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com ================================ The material in this on-line newsletter is copyrighted. It may be reproduced and printed elsewhere as long as it is not changed in any way and credit is given to this source. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/