Enron Mail

Subject:Information You Need To Know!
Date:Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:11:36 -0800 (PST)

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The Source for Natural Gas Capacity Information and Exchange
You spend a lot of time researching prices for gas trades, but how much do you know about what's going on in pipeline capacity release contracts?

What are the going rates? What is your competition doing? Who has the transportation you need? Will you be the first to know about the OFO that will effect your gas supply?

How can CapacityCenter.Com <http://www.capacitycenter.com<;help? You choose the pipelines, and we deliver information you need directly to your desktop - all day, every day.

Better awareness from system notices on pipelines

Capacity release offers that you can bid on

Summary of all the deals done - know who made the deals, where, how much and how long.

You get all the details

Did you know that more capacity release deals were done on Transco than any of the other pipelines three years in a row?

Visit our website <http://www.capacitycenter.com<;

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CapacityCenter.com <http://www.capacitycenter.com<; has the only complete database of all the transaction information and other pipeline statistics available in the marketplace. Our New Market Report Center allows you to access information for any special projects you have. Visit us and explore your options.

CapacityCenter.com <http://www.capacitycenter.com<; has been delivering timely information to its customers for over two years. We have a new release that

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Has lower prices, and
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CapacityCenter.Com <http://www.capacitycenter.com<;
The Source for Natural Gas Capacity Information and Exchange

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