Enron Mail

Subject:Nominations thru Allocations Training, March 12-13, 2002
Date:Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:43:04 -0800 (PST)

February 7, 2002

NESA Members:

Our next upcoming technical training event is Nominations thru Allocations,
March 12 and 13. It will be held at Koch Industries, Houston, TX. For
everyone who is interested, attached is our brochure or you can visit our
website for more information www.nesanet.org.

Also, please make note of a date change on our Calendar of Events. The next
in series Nominations thru Allocations is changing from July 16 & 17, 2002
to August 13 & 14, 2002.

Please call me with any questions (713) 856-6525 or contact me via email.

Thanks so much!
Lana Moore

<<521_Nominations.pdf<< <<2002 Calendar of Events .doc<<


Feb 20 - Storage Economics Brown Bag
Mar 18 - Charity Golf, Champions Golf Course
Apr TBA - Crawfish Boil
Apr 9 & 10 - Risk Management Technical Training
Apr 29 - May 2 - HOUSTON ENERGY EXPO!!