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Enron Mail |
Thanks Tiny. Kim and Darrell let us know how you want to do this and we'll =
move forward. If we can get some kind of agreement put together with Citize= ns on what they need maybe we can do these changes one time. As you know we= have had a lot of issues with them since start up.=20 Thanks RJ -----Original Message----- From: =09Roensch, David =20 Sent:=09Thursday, December 13, 2001 7:52 AM To:=09Schoolcraft, Darrell Cc:=09Jolly, Rich; Watson, Kimberly Subject:=09Griffith Interconnect Pressure I'm going to try and clear this up: Robert Francen (928-226-2219) with Citizens called about the Griffith inter= connect a couple of weeks ago. He made a request that we configure our flo= w control valve with a pressure control over-ride and reduce the supply pre= ssure to the Citizens station supplying the Griffith power plant. Although= I know the RTU has this capability, I told Robert that I would have to che= ck with our Tech folks to see if we had this capability. My concern was th= at by lowering our supply pressure to Citizens it would make it easier to s= witch or split flows to the power plant with El Paso. El Paso's supply pre= ssure runs a couple of hundred pounds lower than TW's in this area and they= cannot get in to Citizens with incurring huge swings at Citizens and shutt= ing TW in currently. So, simply stated, I did not want to proceed without = direction from Marketing or Gas Control. If I remember correctly when I ca= lled and discussed this issue with you a couple of weeks ago, we were in ag= reement not do reduce the pressure supply to Griffith but, you were going t= o communicate this with them. I am still getting calls from Robert and I'm= not sure how to handle his request at this point. =20 Please do not confuse this issue with the Batching valve that is currently = out of service. Also, do not confuse with Choquettes request to provide pr= essure over-ride at this point as that can be done to provide steady state = pressure with a flow control over-ride without reducing supply pressure dra= matically to this interconnect point. (However, there is the concern that = if we install pressure control with a flow control over-ride that we put ou= rselves in the position of reducing this supply pressure over time and then= getting into competing issues with El Paso. =20 I do not care how we configure this point. However, again it could have im= plications for marketing and gas control so, I prefer that you all make tha= t call.