Enron Mail

Subject:FW: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 17:10:49 -0800 (PST)

Last but not least, the lenghty story below is what I have been talking abo=
ut with regards to the GE's versus the electrics on San Juan in conjunction=
with Sun Devil. I'm afraid I've done a poor job at explaining my reasonin=
g so, I put it on paper as best I could. I hope this helps clear the issue=
up or at least provides enough information to allow you all to understand =
the concept... thanks As usual this is pretty far fetched....

---------------------- Forwarded by David Roensch/ET&S/Enron on 11/16/2001 =
03:21 PM ---------------------------

David Roensch
11/16/2001 01:46 PM

Subject:=09FW: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects

Sorry to be late with a response back but, I wanted to run a few things dow=
n before getting back with you and explaining why I was really so intereste=
d in this project. After visiting with you in the field this week you aske=
d that I jot some of this down so this will be an attempt at my reasoning a=
nd why I have such a sense of urgency about tie-ing this potential project =
into a Sun Devil deal. Here goes nothing:

As I understand it, the current senario for Sun Devil as it relates to the =
San Juan section of this project includes:
The addition of 15,000 hp at Bloomfield
A compressor restage at Bisti
A new 15,000 hp station at Standing Rock
A larger compressor at Gallup
Potentially a larger motor at Gallup

A suggested change to this plan was to look at the 41,000 hp GE's at Bloomf=
ield and Standing Rock allowing us to stand-down the Electrics on the San J=
uan Lateral. The capital cost would increase by approximately $30 M but th=
e capacity increase on the lateral would be around 80 mmcfd. (These are no=
t by any means firm numbers) =20

The problem with the suggestion obviously is the term of the contracts with=
ECS on the Electric drives. So, this is what I was thinking. I know we d=
on't want to leave ECS holding the bag or stranding cost so, if the HRSG we=
re to move forward at Station 1, maybe we could allow them to wheel the com=
modity (the fuel gas) out there. We provide them with gas in trade for ele=
ctricity currently. If we stand down the electrics, ECS would save dollars=
paid now to the utilities but, they would loose large bucks from the sale =
of natural gas that we provide them for the power. So, we could allow them=
to keep the gas for the remaining term of the contracts and sell it to Gad=
d's group on the HRSG project. Depending on the current margins, they may =
be able to help Gadd's group cut some expense's as well and keep this proje=
ct rolling??? (Motive is to get this HRSG going so Operations can generat=
e some operating revenue off of this facility) See the example below to f=
ollow along with this idea:

ECS currently pays approximately $3,133,280 annually in electricity to prov=
ide TW shaft horse power
TW provides ECS with a commodity valued at $8,000,070 annually. (At $2.50 =
per thousand)
The difference is $4,866,790
TW pays ECS a demand charge of $2,794,000 between Bisti and Bloomfield.

The $3,133,280 would be an expense ECS would no longer be required to have =
if the Electrics were shut down. So, ECS should be able to allow TW out of=
the $2,794,00 in annual demand charges for Bloomfield and Bisti and return=
the $3 M in commodity value to TW. Now there is still the issue of the $8=
,000,070 in commodity value minus the $3,133,280 returned to TW. We can ke=
ep ECS whole on this value ($4,866,790) by transfering the fuel sale to the=
HRSG at Station 1 allowing them to simply sell the fuel there or market it=
accordingly for the term of the current contract. As long as we keep ECS =
whole on the value of this deal, in turn ECS should be able to negotiate a =
deal at reduced rates to allow the HRSG project economics to become more ap=
pealing... At least that was my idea. Pretty crazy huh? =20

None the less for an increase of 80 mmcfd on Sun Devil, the potential reven=
ue from an operating agreement on the HRSG through EAMR, and the reduced ex=
posure due to down time associated with the electric failures as compared t=
o what GE is required to provide....... I thought it was worth a shot. If =
you think this is too far fetched....just say so Norm.. Not carrying anyth=
ing on my shoulder here. Have a good day and sorry this dang note was so l=
ong... =20

Oh yea, I would have thrown Gallups numbers into this mix as well but, thos=
e agreements are so complicated I have a hard time understanding and/or rel=
aying information about them... However, understand, when I say stand the=
electrics down on the San Juan lateral that includes, Bloomfield, Bisti an=
d Gallup..... R. Matthews ran the modeling info and that is who I have bee=
n chatting with about this thought.

Like in school: I thought I would show you my work...
Bisit currently has a conversion factor of .0198 that multiplys into horse =
power to determine how much fuel gas we owe them for shaft power. They als=
o have a contract with PNM that determines the rate ECS pays per Mega Watt =
for the power they provide TW. (I will use $2.50 for the price of gas in =
examples) ECS pays approximately $25 per meg for power at Bisti.

10,000 hp x .0198 x $2.50 =3D $495 per hour
$495 / (10,000 x .7546) =3D $.0663 per kw=20
10,000 x .0198 x 8760 x $2.50 =3D $4,336,200 annually in fuel provided to E=

(10,000 x .7546) / 1000 x $25 =3D $188.65 per hour in electric cost
$188.65 x 8760 =3D $1,652,574 annually in electric cost

Bloomfield currently has a conversion factor of .0239. Power rate I think =
is more in the range of $32 dollars a meg.

7000 hp x .0198 x $2.50 =3D $418 per hour
$418 / (7000 x .7546) =3D .08 per kw=20
7000 x .0239 x 8760 x $2.50 =3D $3,663,870 annually in fuel provided to ECS

(7000 x .7546) / 1000 x $32 =3D $169.03 per hour in electric cost
$169.03 x 8760 =3D $1,480,706 annually in electric cost

Ok, enough of all that. The bottom line expenses are as follows:
Bisti fuel commodity cost - $4,336,200
Bisti electricity cost - $1,652,574
Bisti demand fee paid to ECS - $2,017,000
Bloomfield fuel commodity cost - $3,663,870
Bloomfield electricity cost - $1,480,706
Bloomfield demand fee paid to ECS - $777,000

---------------------- Forwarded by David Roensch/ET&S/Enron on 11/16/2001 =
12:38 PM ---------------------------
From:=09Norm Spalding/ENRON@enronXgate on 11/12/2001 02:28 PM CST
To:=09Rich Jolly/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, David Roensch/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject:=09FW: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects

FYI. As promised, I'm looking into your questions from last week. I haven=
't heard back yet on the other issues. Let me know if you want to do anyth=
ing about this one. Thanks again for inviting me last week. Take care, N=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Millar, John =20
Sent:=09Monday, November 12, 2001 7:53 AM
To:=09Gadd, Eric; Spalding, Norm
Subject:=09RE: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects


We've been trying to develop a project at Station 1 due to its close proxim=
ity to the Round Valley substation. Although we've considered several desi=
gns ranging from a 15MW steam cycle to a 60MW plant with an LM6000, the req=
uired power price is always about $45/MWh, which is out of the market. Our=
current objective is to find a counter-party who is willing to build a pla=
nt and purchase waste heat, land, water, shared facilities, and operating s=
ervices from TW. A few parties are interested and we're pressing on. =20

I would be happy to meet with you and your team to share ideas and answer q=

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Gadd, Eric =20
Sent:=09Friday, November 09, 2001 5:16 PM
To:=09Spalding, Norm
Cc:=09Millar, John
Subject:=09RE: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects


John Millar is progressing WHR opportunities and can provide an update.
-----Original Message-----
From: =09Spalding, Norm =20
Sent:=09Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:29 AM
To:=09Gadd, Eric; Eisenstein, Arnold L.
Subject:=09RE: TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Spalding, Norm =20
Sent:=09Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:35 PM
To:=09Gadd, Eric; Eisenstein, Arnold L.
Subject:=09TW Waste Heat Recovery Projects

I was in the Region Meetings today with the TW personnel. They were asking=
if WHR was still being contemplated for Stations 1 through 3. Can one of =
you give me an update? Thanks, Norm