Enron Mail

To:rick.dietz@enron.com, morgan.gottsponer@enron.com, kimberly.watson@enron.com
Subject:RE: FYI on Capacity Approvals
Date:Mon, 1 Oct 2001 06:51:33 -0700 (PDT)


=09I have to disagree with the "they were available by phone." Being out o=
f the office for "Team Building" on the last day of the month is inexcusabl=
e. I tried calling Perry and there was no answer; he said he forgot and le=
ft his phone on vibrate. The Omaha capacity people now carry text pagers t=
hat I can email info to; they have really improved their response. The Hou=
ston staff needs these pagers too. Capacity approval on TW is probably our=
weakest link in the process. We really need your help to improve this or =
drastic action will be needed. When I called at 3 pm to get a last second =
deal, I didn't get called back until 3:30 pm. I was told they could be bac=
k in the office to approve the deal around 6 pm. Well, even though I was h=
ere until 7 pm, Reliant wasn't going to be. Perry said he could do it Satu=
rday, once again, Reliant (or someone who can sign contracts) wasn't. The =
TW Marketers, all of them, were also out of the office making EVERYTHING fa=
ll onto Contracts. Why are we the only one's that need to be in the office=
? I'm going to give this one more month and then, if everyone isn't workin=
g together on this, I'm going to Danny and tell him the Deal Capture team i=
s off of TW since no one appears to give a rats ass (and this is after I've=
calmed down over the weekend). Speaking to the Contract Group, this is fa=
r from the first time these guys weren't available.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dietz, Rick =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 01, 2001 7:55 AM
To:=09Buehler, Craig
Subject:=09FW: FYI on Capacity Approvals

=09FYI - I will respond after you and I talk. They don't carry pagers, do =

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Gottsponer, Morgan =20
Sent:=09Monday, October 01, 2001 6:53 AM
To:=09Dietz, Rick
Cc:=09Johnson, Robert L.; Aschwege, Doug; Frazier, Perry; Faucheaux, Eric
Subject:=09RE: FYI on Capacity Approvals


Obviously we need to be available at all times. We cannot guarantee one of=
those people will be in the office at all times, but we will be available =
via cell phones or pagers. Actually, when you guys got hold of me on Frida=
y, I had no problem contacting both Perry and Eric, nor did I have any prob=
lem contacting the NNG guys at their off-site last week. Do be sure when y=
our guys call the office extensions, they listen to (rather than by-passing=
) the entire greeting, as contact information may be available on that gre=

I will be sure that the process is evaluated on this end.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Dietz, Rick =20
Sent:=09Friday, September 28, 2001 4:40 PM
To:=09Gottsponer, Morgan
Subject:=09FW: FYI on Capacity Approvals


What's going on? Earlier this week, the NNG capacity approvers were both o=
ut of the office and today, both of the TW capacity approvers are out of th=
e office. We are trying to get two TW "rush" contracts through this aftern=
oon and their unavailability is making it very difficult.

We need you to work on an emergency back up coverage plan for bid-week acti=
vity. At a minimum, your team needs to start carrying pagers.


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Buehler, Craig =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:49 PM
To:=09Dietz, Rick
Subject:=09 FYI on Capacity Approvals

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Buehler, Craig =20
Sent:=09Tuesday, September 25, 2001 3:41 PM
To:=09Mercaldo, Vernon; Pritchard, John; Williams, Jo; Carter, Zuela; Steel=
e, Patricia; Aschwege, Doug; Johnson, Robert L.
Subject:=09FYI on Capacity Approvals

Doug Aschwege & Bob Johnson will be out of the office tomorrow (9/26/01) fo=
r training and will not be available for any capacity approvals (except eme=
rgencies) until Thursday. Good (facility) planning guys... did Morgan plan=
