Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Replacement of J Bolton
Cc:spires2500@aol.com, paula.n.oneill@uth.tmc.edu, houshyar@the-spires.com
Bcc:spires2500@aol.com, paula.n.oneill@uth.tmc.edu, houshyar@the-spires.com
Date:Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:03:26 -0800 (PST)


The new grandbaby Samantha, her mother and father are doing fine. She is on her way home this afternoon if the pediatrician believes that she is ready to be released.

Regarding Jim's resignation, I agree that we should not be pressured into putting anyone on the board that will not assist us in moving forward and handling the complex issues that the board faces this year. Jim indicated that he would wait to resign for as long as he could or until we find a replacement. We can discuss this further tonight. I'm available anytime after 6:30 pm. We could either get together or all go out to dinner at Hungrey's or where ever if that works. Since the candidates to replace Jew Don Bony are coming to the Spires tomorrow night, I would like to attend that meeting if everyone is agreeable.

Let me know what works for this evening with everyone.

"Watson, Kimberly" wrote:

< Paula,
< I can make myself available this evening or tomorrow evening to discuss
< this and other topics as your calendar permits. I actually think that
< we should not be pressured by anyone to fill this position in the next
< few days. If Jim would like to resign effective the end of the month
< (or some other date), I think that would be fine. It is completely
< reasonable that the board take some amount of time, whatever is
< necessary, to select the right candidate. Let me know when you would
< like to rally.
< Thanks, Kim.
< P.S. Paula, congratulations on the new grandbaby! I hope mom, dad and
< precious little one are doing well!
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Spires2500@aol.com [mailto:Spires2500@aol.com]
< Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 10:06 AM
< To: Paula.N.ONeill@uth.tmc.edu; Watson, Kimberly;
< houshyar@the-spires.com
< Subject: Re: Replacement of J Bolton
< Don had the highest vote (4th place.)
< The board does not have to pick Don. As you recall, the board elected
< Kim to
< replace Muffin, and Kim had not even run for the board.
< Lew told me this morning that Jim is waiting to know who his replacement
< is
< before he resigns.
< What time are we meeting? Where? Who?
< Houshyar
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