Enron Mail

To:mark.mcconnell@enron.com, dennis.lee@enron.com
Subject:USGT K# 27161
Date:Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:37:02 -0700 (PDT)

=09Here's what I've found out from Dennis Lee. USGT requested a realignmen=
t of delivery capacity back in June (it was also sent to them in June). Th=
ey held onto the request until a few weeks ago when they signed and returne=
d the amendment. Dennis found where the capacity was disapproved by Perry =
Frazier but, for an as yet unknown reason, Michelle Cormier tendered this a=
mendment to them. The changes have been activated in the TW contract syste=
m; however, we have not signed/returned the amendment and they have not nom=
inated these changes. Dennis says they switch these DP's frequently and wo=
uld "probably" be agreeable to switch 6,000/d of their capacity (which was =
suggested by Perry in his denial of capacity) upon our request. As you're =
aware, Michelle has changed jobs since this incident and this amendment was=
tendered prior to our re-implemention of the routing process. I'll get yo=
u the file and associated papers as soon as Dennis has completed his examin=
ation. Our Tariff does stipulate that an amendment, not returned within 30 =
days, is null and void. Since we did not sign and return the amendment, we=
could just say it "timed out"... just a thought.
