Enron Mail

Subject:You know, I've been wondering....
Date:Thu, 13 Dec 2001 18:34:42 -0800 (PST)


I know everyone is doing their best, and it is appreciated, but:

How can The Association continue to justify asking residents to pay the same
fees month after month after month while simultaneously failing month after
month after month to provide all the services we pay for?

I'm curious: has the board has addressed the possibility of reducing fees
commensurate with services provided? If they did and (obviously) decided to
keep things the same, I'd appreciate a glimpse into the "why" of that

Just wondering aloud after another one-elevator-day.

I would greatly appreciate an official response from the board by email.

Thank you very much for time,

Mike Mancini

(of course, I am well aware we received a month free, which works pretty
well considering the building was unlivable most of that month. I am aware,
too, of water damage checks for, yes, damage. I'm not aware of anything in
the works, however, to reasonably address the last many months of poor
service, nor the predicted next 6-12 months of the same... I most certainly
welcome enlightenment if I am missing something simple---really!)