Enron Mail

Subject:FW: FWD: Rescue Course Photo
Date:Sun, 19 Aug 2001 19:01:52 -0700 (PDT)

J, you are too funny! I am always entertained by the wonderful way in which you express yourself in these emails. You make me laugh. ILY, HA! K.

-----Original Message-----
From: john.watson
Sent: Sat 8/18/2001 8:02 AM
To: Dennis Dye
Cc: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: RE: FWD: Rescue Course Photo

DD -

Well, perhaps your poor Texas cousins need to make another trip up there to
see their rich Arkansas relations, their mountain hideaway and that fabulous
object d'art that you're rumored to have on loan from the Tate (not to be
confused with O. L. "Spud" McLanahan's "Tater" Museum, with its current
exhibition titled "Homage to the Yam").

Once we return from Bella Italia (perhaps even planning while climbing steps
up to or down from an Amalfi aerie, assuming we can spare enough breath to
speak), we could look at a November or December date for a long weekend.

I can't tell you how much Kim and I are looking forward to another trip across
the pond with the A team. Six weeks and counting, I'm thinking, and I can
already taste the first glass of vino rosso at Alla Rampa. It's been too

Tonight, we're hosting a flood-delayed Father's Day (Tom) and an early
birthday (Wanda) combo-dinner at Pappas Bros Steakhouse. Tomorrow evening the
Donnellys are arranging a sitter so that the grown-ups can meet for dinner and
a movie that doesn't have a single purple dinosaur or juice box or singing
cowboy (although there may be other music in a movie titled "Captain Corelli's
Mandolin," I suspect -- just to get us in the mood for the trip).

Hope golf is treating you well, and that you're abusing the hell out of those
little dimpled aerospheres.

Looking forward to seeing you guys in six weeks for la dolce vita in Roma.


<===== Original Message From "Dennis Dye" <dennis_dye@hotmail.com< =====
<Well, yes, that was, of course, part of the grand plan. I thought I had
<mentioned a Dallas Morning News write-up on Hot Springs before I bought that
<labeled it, potentially, the next Santa Fe [NM, not Texas]. Anyway, I know
<I showed it to Janell to trick her into moving back in time.
<They have an amazing music festival here every year where they bring in
<precocious almost ready for prime-timers and pair them with masters in their
<particular instruments. Then, they spend a week or so practicing/performing
<all over the city. Janell and I volunteered to "help" this year, so we got
<to attend two rehearsals. Pretty astonishing talent. They also have more
<than their share of art galleries and a "gallery crawl" the first friday of
<each month. Pretty fun since we get hugged by our artist every time [pure
<paid patronage, of course]. Of course, "Cynthiana" Warner [with an Arkansas
<wine named after her] took advantage of the veritable plethora of art one
<time when she was here and got a big fish painting for her wall in Austin.
<The JJDLF got a great write-up in ROLL CALL magazine yesterday. I can't
<seem to find it on their website, but I have a fax of the article. I'll
<share it with you when I get it in shareable form. Been trying to get this
<to happen for two millennia...
<<From: "John Watson" <john.watson@pdq.net<
<<Reply-To: <jwatson@nwdiagnostic.com<
<<To: "Dennis Dye" <dennis_dye@hotmail.com<
<<CC: "Paul Donnelly" <Paul.Donnelly@bakeratlas.com<
<<Subject: RE: FW: Rescue Course Photo
<<Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:04:55 -0500
<<According to NPR yesterday, Hot Springs is the art capital of middle
<<America. Now, did you know that when you moved there, or is it because of
<<your patronage that The Arts have flourished?
<Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp