Enron Mail

To:steven.harris@enron.com, lorraine.lindberg@enron.com, tk.lohman@enron.com,michelle.lokay@enron.com, mark.mcconnell@enron.com, paul.y'barbo@enron.com, lindy.donoho@enron.com
Subject:FW: Hot off the wire...
Date:Thu, 10 Jan 2002 07:15:58 -0800 (PST)

FYI, Kevin Hyatt left me a voicemail last night when he found out about t=
his open season for a new storage facility. Let's discuss after everyone h=
as a chance to review.=20

Thanks, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Scott, Donna =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 10, 2002 8:33 AM
To:=09Watson, Kimberly
Subject:=09FW: Hot off the wire...

Thought you might find this interesting.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09"Greg Lander" <glander@mail.skippingstone.com<@ENRON =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:50 AM
To:=09Home \(E-mail\)
Subject:=09FW: Hot off the wire...

To my personal friends and professional associates:
The announcement below explains what I have been so busy working on these =
past months. Wish us luck and if you desire any information do not hesita=
te to contact me. Much of the strength I drew on to bring this about, I g=
ained from working with you on our mutual endeavors over the years. This =
is a very exciting project, which you or your company may also be interest=
ed in. I trust your holidays were safe and pleasant and that the new year=
brings you success and satisfaction.
Greg Lander
-----Original Message-----
From: Moore, Erica [mailto:emoore@skippingstone.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2002 7:26 AM
To: Lander, Greg; Ray, Verna
Cc: Weigand, Peter
Subject: Hot off the wire...
Today's News=09
Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Salt River Project and Sempra Energy Res=
ources Announce Open Season for Proposed Desert Crossing Gas Storage and T=
ransportation System [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] PHOENIX, Jan. =
10 /PRNewswire/ -- The Desert Crossing Gas Storage and Transportation Syste=
m (Desert Crossing) is holding an Open Season for customers interested in c=
apacity, beginning today and extending through Feb. 8, 2002. Open Seaso=
n is a process in which customers interested in acquiring natural gas stora=
ge capacity in a storage facility, and/or transmission capacity on a pipeli=
ne, submit bids setting out the terms under which they will agree to purcha=
se the capacity. Upon completion of the project, the Desert Crossing sy=
stem will include a 10 billion cubic foot, high-deliverability natural gas =
storage complex and associated pipeline, located in the Hualapai Valley, no=
rth of Kingman, Arizona. The associated pipeline, spanning roughly 300 mil=
es from outside of Las Vegas to Southwestern Arizona, is projected to be an=
800 million cubic feet per day system that will connect the storage comple=
x with all of the major interstate natural gas pipelines in Arizona and sou=
thern Nevada (see map of proposed system at http://www.desert-crossing.com =
). Project sponsors Allegheny Energy Supply Company, the generation and=
trading subsidiary of Allegheny Energy, Inc. (NYSE: AYE ); Salt River Proj=
ect (SRP); and Sempra Energy Resources, a unit of Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE =
), said that Desert Crossing will provide a consumer-driven, market-respons=
ive storage and pipeline system to serve the growing needs of the southwest=
ern United States for power and peak period gas supplies. Limitations on na=
tural gas transportation and storage in Arizona and southern Nevada, along =
with past and projected increases in gas demand by consumers in the region,=
have resulted in market conditions that make this storage and pipeline pro=
ject attractive. "As proposed, this project with its north-south pipeli=
ne configuration will be uniquely situated to increase shippers' and consum=
ers' options for sourcing natural gas and to provide new transportation cap=
acity to the Arizona and southern Nevada markets," commented Michael Morrel=
l, president, Allegheny Energy Supply Company. "The increased storage and t=
ransportation capacity will enhance energy reliability at cost-effective pr=
ices, which is good news for consumers and shippers of natural gas." S=
RP's associate general manager of power, construction & engineering, David =
Areghini, concurred. "As we continue to diversify our fuel sources by addi=
ng new gas-fired power plants, it is important that we increase our ability=
to obtain the necessary amount of natural gas supplies. The Desert Crossi=
ng project will help ensure an economical and clean energy source for consu=
mers and others in the Southwest for many years." "The additional natur=
al gas supplies will help balance the region's escalating energy demands, e=
specially those of electric generators, as well as provide the potential to=
help reduce future price spikes in the Southwest," said Dwain Boettcher, v=
ice president of planning and analysis for Sempra Energy Resources. "The ho=
urly scheduling flexibility built into the proposed tariff was designed to =
transform the way storage service is offered in the future." Customers =
participating in the Open Season and awarded capacity will have unprecedent=
ed flexibility with respect to gaining access to the markets and diverse ga=
s supplies in the Southwest. These customers will be able to optimize thei=
r portfolios, because Desert Crossing will be situated at the Southwest's e=
nergy crossroads. The project is subject to obtaining all necessary reg=
ulatory approvals and sufficient commitments from third parties during the =
Open Season. Project scope and costs will be announced at the conclusion of=
the Open Season. To participate in the Open Season and for more informatio=
n about Desert Crossing, visit http://www.desert-crossing.com . Alleghe=
ny Energy, Inc. is a diversified energy company headquartered in Hagerstown=
, Md. It has been named to the Fortune 500 list, the Standard and Poor's 50=
0 index, and the Forbes "Platinum 400" list. The Allegheny Energy family in=
cludes Allegheny Power, which delivers electric energy and natural gas to a=
bout three million people in parts of Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virgini=
a, and West Virginia; Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC, which develops,=
owns, and operates electric generating facilities and supplies and trades =
energy and energy-related commodities in selected domestic retail and whole=
sale markets; and Allegheny Ventures, which invests in and develops telecom=
munications and energy-related projects. For more information, visit our we=
b site at http://www.alleghenyenergy.com . SRP is the third-largest pub=
lic power utility in the nation, serving more than 750,000 electric custome=
rs in the greater Phoenix metropolitan area. More information on SRP is ava=
ilable at http://www.srpnet.com . Sempra Energy Resources -- a subsidia=
ry of Sempra Energy Global Enterprises, the umbrella for Sempra Energy's gr=
owth businesses -- acquires and develops power plants and energy infrastruc=
ture for the competitive market. Sempra Energy (NYSE: SRE ), based in S=
an Diego, is a Fortune 500 energy services holding company with annualized =
2001 revenues of about $9.4 billion. The Sempra Energy companies' 12,000 em=
ployees serve more than 9 million customers in the United States, Europe, C=
anada, Mexico, South America and Asia. For more information, visit Sempra =
Energy Resources' Web site athttp://www.sempraenergyresources.com . Fo=
r more information contact: Verna Ray Director, Communications =
Skipping Stone, Inc. (281) 987-8166 vray@skippingstone.com [I=
MAGE] Click here SOURCE Skipping Stone, Inc. Web Site: http://www.deser=
t-crossing.com http://www.alleghenyenergy.com http://www.sempraenergyreso=
urces.com =09
Issuers of news releases and not PR Newswire are solely responsible for =
the accuracy of the content. Copyright ? 1996-2002 PR Newswire Associ=
ation Inc. All Rights Reserved. A United Business Media company.=09