Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 3 Aug 2001 12:08:54 -0700 (PDT)


FYI. Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Fossum, Drew =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 03, 2001 1:04 PM
To:=09Hayslett, Rod; Harris, Steven
Cc:=09McCarty, Danny; Corman, Shelley; Hartsoe, Joe; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilm=
er III, Robert; 'fkelly@gbmdc.com'; 'sstojic@gbmdc.com'; 'cmoore@akingump.c=
om'; 'rnuschler@akingump.com'; Watson, Kimberly; Geaccone, Tracy

No magic to the 9%. We could use any reasonable rate as long as we are con=
ceptually consistent in future situations. I.e., we could use the FERC in=
terest rate here if we were willing to always use it in contract terminatio=
n situations. Or, if we use a rate here that is X basis points over some g=
enerally accepted benchmark (FERC interest rate? prime? LIBOR?) we'd have =
a tough time justifying use of a significantly different mechanism (even th=
ough the actual rate in the subsequent deal might be a lot different due to=
interest rate movement). df=20

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Hayslett, Rod =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 03, 2001 12:59 PM
To:=09Fossum, Drew; Harris, Steven
Cc:=09McCarty, Danny; Corman, Shelley; Hartsoe, Joe; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilm=
er III, Robert; 'fkelly@gbmdc.com'; 'sstojic@gbmdc.com'; 'cmoore@akingump.c=
om'; 'rnuschler@akingump.com'; Watson, Kimberly; Geaccone, Tracy

We should give Maverix the option of paying the discounted sum up front or =
doing a keep whole payment each month of the transaction. I like the 9% =
discount rate for Maverix but would not be happy with such from an outsider=
. Is there a basis in the 9% rate?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Fossum, Drew =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 03, 2001 11:57 AM
To:=09Harris, Steven; Hartsoe, Joe; Miller, Mary Kay; Kilmer III, Robert; '=
fkelly@gbmdc.com'; 'sstojic@gbmdc.com'; 'cmoore@akingump.com'; 'rnuschler@a=
kingump.com'; Watson, Kimberly
Cc:=09Hayslett, Rod; McCarty, Danny; Corman, Shelley

Further to our discussions yesterday, attached is a draft letter agreement =
under which Transwestern would agree to terminate the Mavrix transportation=
contracts. Note that Mavrix is required to indemnify TW for any revenue s=
hortfall if the turned back capacity is not purchased by another customer a=
t the same or better rate within 60 days. I believe this approach allows T=
W to accomodate Mavrix's request to terminate without TW taking any financi=
al risk or exposing itself to requests from other shippers that TW release =
them from their contract obligations without penalty. =20

Upon execution of the letter agreement, the capacity will be posted on the =
TW bulletin board as generally available capacity. There is some chance th=
at a customer interested in the capacity will want to know where it came fr=
om. I would suggest that the appropriate and accurate explanation is that =
"capacity becomes available from time to time for a variety of reasons inc=
luding contract expirations or terminations, waivers or expirations of ROFR=
rights, and contract MDQ stepdowns. Such capacity is posted on the EBB as=
soon as Transwestern becomes aware of its availabity." If the questioning=
customer wants to know who's space it was, I believe it is our consistent =
policy to not disclose any information about any shipper's contract to any =
other shipper and that policy should be followed here as well. Of course, =
if the Commission's Market Monitoring group or other FERC personnel call, t=
he confidentiality problem does not arise and the shipper's identity should=
be disclosed. The explanation in that circumstance, if the caller wants m=
ore detail, is that "Mavrix is an Enron affiliate that was in the business =
of trading interstate pipeline capacity but is winding down its business an=
d terminating its contracts. Transwestern has agreed to contract terminati=
on subject to an indemnity or "keep whole" mechanism."=20

I'm including the legal team on this distribution as an FYI. I will follow=
up on this later today. DF=20

<< File: Mavrix Termination.doc <<