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Enron Mail |
Please plan to meet on Wed. (see below) to discuss the Deal Profitability Analysis with Kim Kouri.
Thanks, Kim. PS. Sean, please forward this to Richard. For some reason, I could not find him in the email directory. Thanks. -----Original Message----- From: Robertson, Audrey Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 8:29 AM To: Kouri, Kim; Watson, Kimberly Cc: Robertson, Audrey Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Kim and Kim, pleae note, Wednesday, September 12, 3:00 p.m. has been scheduled for your TW Deal Profitability/Analysis meeting. Please meet in EB-4180. adr Audrey D. Robertson Transwestern Pipeline Company email address: audrey.robertson@enron.com (713) 853-5849 (713) 646-2551 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Kouri, Kim Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 8:08 AM To: Robertson, Audrey Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Either day looks good to me, however I am on jury duty starting Monday Sept. 10th. I will give you a call. Thanks Kim --- [Kouri, Kim] --Original Message----- From: Robertson, Audrey Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 3:05 PM To: Kouri, Kim Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Kim, Kim Watson would like to know if you are available to meet on next week, Tuesday, pm or Wednesday, pm. She expects that more of her group will be in and able to attend as well. Just call me, x35849. Thanks for your patience Kim. adr Audrey D. Robertson Transwestern Pipeline Company email address: audrey.robertson@enron.com (713) 853-5849 (713) 646-2551 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Kouri, Kim Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 9:55 AM To: Robertson, Audrey Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Thanks, I will be out of the office today starting at 1 p.m. and returning Thursday a.m. -----Original Message----- From: Robertson, Audrey Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 9:45 AM To: Kouri, Kim Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Kim, I will get with Kim Watson this morning and finalize a date and time. adr Audrey D. Robertson Transwestern Pipeline Company email address: audrey.robertson@enron.com (713) 853-5849 (713) 646-2551 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Kouri, Kim Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 9:39 AM To: Robertson, Audrey Cc: Asante, Ben Subject: FW: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Audrey, any luck on getting a date and time to meet with Kimberly Watson for about half an hour on the TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Model? -----Original Message----- From: Watson, Kimberly Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:26 AM To: Kouri, Kim Cc: Robertson, Audrey Subject: RE: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis I will ask Audrey to coordinate our calendars for marketing. We will let you know. Thanks, Kim. -----Original Message----- From: Kouri, Kim Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:09 AM To: Watson, Kimberly; Asante, Ben Subject: FW: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Kimberely, please let me know what date and time are good for you. Thanks Kim -----Original Message----- From: Kouri, Kim Sent: Monday, August 20, 2001 12:05 PM To: Watson, Kimberly Cc: Asante, Ben Subject: Meeting on TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Confirming our conversation to meet next week to discuss the TW Deal Profitability/Analysis Model, I am free all week. I would also like to invite Ben Asante too. Thanks Kim Kouri