Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Reservation
Date:Tue, 25 Sep 2001 16:00:09 -0700 (PDT)

opps, I mis-typed this morning. K.

-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 7:58 AM
To: 'john.watson@pdq.ent'
Subject: FW: Reservation


Do you think that if P & J and the kids went to Guam they would consider leaving Jo Lynn with the kids and come on to Hong Kong and join up with us?

FYI, I still have small reservations about travelling abroad still close to our international situation. Perhaps fear of the unknown. Sitting on the fence. Undecided.


-----Original Message-----
From: Donnelly, Paul [mailto:Paul.Donnelly@bakeratlas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 5:08 AM
To: Watson, Kimberly; 'Hotel City - Florence '
Cc: Donnelly, Paul; 'janell_dye@hotmail.com '; 'dennis_dye@hotmail.com
'; 'john.watson@pdq.net '
Subject: RE: Reservation

Judy and I had a wild idea last night. Since the kids are off the week of
Thanksgiving we are toying witht the 4 of us going to Guam.

-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly
To: Watson, Kimberly; Hotel City - Florence
Cc: paul.donnelly@bakeratlas.com; janell_dye@hotmail.com;
dennis_dye@hotmail.com; john.watson@pdq.net
Sent: 9/24/01 5:10 PM
Subject: RE: Reservation

Dear Hotel City,

It is with great regret that we will have to cancel our Italy trip and
will not be able to stay in your hotel on 09October for 2 nights.
Please cancel the reservations for John and Kim Watson, Paul and Judity
Donnelly and Dennis and Janell Dye. We hope to be able to rebook our
trip in the near future.

Thank you in advance for your kindness.

Please confirm your receipt of this message by reply email
(kimberly.watson@enron.com) or by fax USA 713-646-2551.


Kim Watson
phone USA 713 853 3098

-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 3:00 PM
To: 'Hotel City - Florence'
Cc: 'paul.donnelly@bakeratlas.com'; 'janell_dye@hotmail.com';
'dennis_dye@hotmail.com'; 'john.watson@pdq.net'
Subject: RE: Reservation

Dear Hotel City,

Thank you for your quick response for availability at your hotel. We
would like to confirm this reservation for 3 double rooms arriving on 09
October and departing on 11 October (2 nights). We will also have 2
cars that we will want to park in your private garage.

Thank you so much for your consideration, we look forward to our stay
with you.

Please guarantee the rooms to the following names and credit cards:

John and Kim Watson
American Express: Kimberly S. Watson 3713 861117 51008 exp.

Paul and Judith Donnelly
American Express: Paul R. Donnelly 3728 599293 41005 exp. 08/02

Dennis and Janell Dye
American Express: Janell B. Dye 3715 030414 92004 exp 11/02


Kim Watson
fax USA 713 646 4095
email: kwatson@the-spires.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Hotel City - Florence [mailto:info@hotelcity.net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 10:28 AM
To: kwatson@the-spires.com
Subject: Reservation

Florence, 29 August 2001

K.A.: Mrs Kim WATSON

RE: 03 double rooms with private bath and wc
from 09 to 11 October 2001 (02 nights)

Thank you very much for your kind fax message of today and your

We are glad to confirm on your behalf the above mentioned reservation at

the rate of

- Lit. 360.000 per room per night, buffet breakfast, air-conditioning,
service charge and all
taxes included.

All our rooms are equipped with TV with CNN, private bath, direct
dial-telephone, air- conditioning, hair dryer and double windows with
double glasses.
Safe boxes and lift available.

Hotel City is centrally located, in the most ancient part of Florence,
surrounded by the most interesting artistic and cultural sites. It is
ideal for shopping.

In order to guarantee your reservation, please confirm as soon as
with a credit card number and expiration date.

Looking forward to the pleasure of your confirmation, we thank you very
much in advance, and assuring you of our most attentive services for a
pleasant stay in Florence and in our hotel, we remain with our

Best regards,

Tel. ++ Fax ++
E-mail: info@hotelcity.net
http://www.hotelcity.net - http://www.hotelcityflorence.com

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