Enron Mail

Subject:FW: S Trails--TW Blanco Interconnect
Date:Tue, 8 Jan 2002 08:06:21 -0800 (PST)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gaylen Haag [mailto:GaylenH@questar.com]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 12:43 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: Fwd: S Trails--TW Blanco Interconnect

Please read the attached e-mail and call me as soon as you can.

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <GeraldM@questar.com<
To: Gary Antonino <GaryA@questar.com<, Gary Schmitt <GarySc@questar.com<, Gaylen Haag <GaylenH@questar.com<, Jack Ahern <JackA@questar.com<, Jodi Starley <JodiS@questar.com<
CC: Monte Kester <MonteK@questar.com<, Rick Aragon <RickA@questar.com<, Steve Dernovich <SteveD@questar.com<
Date: Friday, January 4, 2002 5:39:23 GMT

On 01/04/02, M Kester, S Dernovich & R Aragon met with Bryan Dils and Jack Gasten (both Senior O & M Technicians) of Transwestern.

The TW reps agreed that the best method to accomplish the Blanco interconnect would be for TW to tap its existing 30 inch (formerly NWPL Ignacio-Blanco) pipeline that is running N-S approx 120 lf east of the proposed S Trails Blanco Meter site.

To accomplish the tie in would then require about 120 lf of 20 inch (or perhaps 12 inch) pipeline, parallel to the right of way corridor that Questar has already acquired from TW for the extension to WFS Milagro.

The custody transfer meter facilities and any control facilities would then be installed on the Questar site.

TW stated that pressure ranges between 928 to 950 psig in this 30 inch pipeline.

Agreement needs to be finalized on who installs the tap, pipeline tie in, and meter facilities. It would be good if TW would agree that Questar could accomplish all work, with the exception of the tap of the 30 inch pipeline.

In any event, S Trails needs to contribute our meter parcel site for the location for meter facilities, whether TW or Questar installes these facilities.

The TW reps were going to convey this info to Ron Mathews of TW. Conceptually, this location is as shown on the TW dwg, dated 11-26-01, prepared by RLM.

The Questar group is also determining how the parcel size can be expanded, from the current 75 by 100 to about 100 by 125, to accomodate all these facilities. Paragon's rep is negotiating parcel acquisition with El Paso for this site.