Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Transwestern EDI - Operationally Available and Unsubscribed
Date:Wed, 1 Aug 2001 14:56:33 -0700 (PDT)

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FYI, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Draemer, Mary
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 2:30 PM
To: Hass, Glen; Lohman, TK; Watson, Kimberly; Paladino, Ranelle; Bianchi, Rita
Cc: Sawyer, Lisa; Licciardo, Jeanne; Kedwaii, Hasan; Hermanek, Patty; Duff, David; Hess, Theresa; Abramowicz, Richard; Kuehl, Toby; Holmes, Bradley; Betancourt, Ramona ; Frazier, Perry; Kowalke, Terry
Subject: RE: Transwestern EDI - Operationally Available and Unsubscribed Capacity


As stated below in Rich's memo, the quantities that will be posted in the new daily unsubscribed report are the same quantities that TW is currently sending in EDI files. As part of the permanent solution, the EDI process will need to be modied when the website is modified.

I would like to review messages that are sent in TW EDI files for unsubscribed capacity and operationally available capacity.

TW currently sends a text message with each of the EDI unsubscribed capacity files that are sent to customers. This message is:

Capacity at these points is subject to the capacity available on the relevant path for the receipt and delivery point combination(s) requested. (2) Please contact your Marketing Representative for information concerning point with capacity less than 5,000 Mcf/day. (3) Transwestern is willing to consider expressions of interest concerning available capacity or requests for capacity. Shipper interested in available capacity may either contact their Marketing Representative or submit a request for service to Transwestern Transportation Marketing, P.O.Box 1188, Houston, Texas 77251-1199 or by facsimile to (713)646-8000.

For operationally available capacity, TW currently sends the following text message with each EDI operationally available file:

The below listed capacity is an estimate of the unutilized capacity that will be available on the effective date above, until further notice is posted. The capacity is only an estimate and is subject to change without notice due to the transient nature of pipeline operations. There are no guarantees expressed or implied that this capacity will be available. Formal nominations to the pipeline will be processed in accordance witht he company's tariff provisions for scheduling of all available capacity.

Please review and let me know if any revisions need to be made to the above text messages.

-----Original Message-----
From: Abramowicz, Richard
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 7:28 AM
To: Hass, Glen; Kuehl, Toby; Holmes, Bradley; Lohman, TK; Betancourt, Ramona ; Draemer, Mary ; Watson, Kimberly; Frazier, Perry; Kowalke, Terry; Paladino, Ranelle; Bianchi, Rita
Cc: Sawyer, Lisa; Licciardo, Jeanne; Kedwaii, Hasan; Hermanek, Patty

In a meeting to discuss a new FERC commission ruling, it was decided that TW needs to post daily unsubscribed capacity information to the web by August 10th. Since the daily numbers will be the same as the monthly numbers for August through October, we will post the monthly numbers published through the new TW unsubscribed capacity system as if they were daily numbers. The posting will be for two days in advance. (i.e. on August 1, we will post numbers for August 3). Since these will be the same numbers used by EDI, TW's unsubscribed capacity EDI will not need to change at this time. To do this, TW's new unsubscribed capacity posting must be in production by the 10th. We will do our best to be ready for testing the daily posting by Monday, August 5. (Jeanne & Patty - is August 6th doable for testing and August 10th doable for production?)

This is only a temporary solution until further analysis can be done to design the correct solution. The permanent solution must be in place before November 1.

The meeting attendees were:

Glen Hass
Toby Kuehl
Brad Holmes
TK Lokman
Ramona Betancourt
Mary Draemer
Kim Watson
Perry Frazier
Terry Kowalke
Ranelle Paladino
Rita Bianchi