Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Celebration Proposal
Date:Wed, 12 Sep 2001 09:38:59 -0700 (PDT)

J, does the $20,000 include the cost of the video? K.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Watson [mailto:john.watson@pdq.net]
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:11 AM
To: Houshyar Moarefi
Cc: Paula O'Neill Weedon; Watson, Kimberly
Subject: Celebration Proposal

Houshyar -

Based on committee input yesterday and Patsy Bolton's investigation, I have
filled in the budget numbers for the attached board request. I understand
that it needs to go before the Finance Committee prior to presentation to
the board, so I would ask your assistance in providing a copy to Lew Humke
and the other committee members.

I will be out of town on Thursday and Friday, returning late Friday night,
so I will not be immediately available to answer questions about the
proposal. Should you need to contact me, I can be paged at (713) 687-6941.

Let me stress the time crunch under which we are working: we were fortunate
to get a prime location at a reasonable per person cost tentatively booked
at this late date, but they are going to need a firm contract before the
actual date can be secured. This does need board action this week.

Thanks for your help. If you need to reach me today, my contact information
is shown below. After today, you can reach me by pager.

Thanks again,

John Watson, CMPE, Administrator
Northwest Diagnostic Clinic, PA
17325 Red Oak Drive
Houston, TX 77090
(281) 440-5300 x222 - voice
(713) 687-6941 - pager
(281) 440-8220 - fax