Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Italy car and ferry
Date:Tue, 28 Aug 2001 14:55:47 -0700 (PDT)

Are you online? MSN shows you not logged in. BTW, my car is ready. I will pick it up tonight. It was the starter. $550 (includes a new battery).


PS. I will keep you posted on the ferry poll. I still vote for arriving in Lucca earlier in the day, only because if we don't arrive untill evening, then we will spend the whole next day in Lucca instead of getting to Florence. I'm trying to keep us (you and me) whole for 2 - 2.5 shopping days in Florence before heading to Rome.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Watson [mailto:john.watson@pdq.net]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:52 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly; janell_dye@hotmail.com; dennis_dye@hotmail.com;
Subject: RE: Italy car and ferry

Option 1 -Palermo to Naples (11 hrs) vs. Option 2 - Palermo to Livorno (18

Option 1 - Afternoon in Sicily, early dinner, 2000 departure from Palermo,
0700 arrival in Naples, followed by a 6-hour drive to Lucca (arrive around
1300, assuming no stops).

Option 2 - Afternoon and evening in Sicily, normal dinner, 2300 departure
from Palermo, 1700 arrival in Livorno, followed by a 1-hour drive to Lucca.

Remember that these ferries have shopping and dining and other stuff. If
the cost difference isn't much (Dee told me she's getting an exact cost from
the ferry companies), I vote for the longer ferry ride arriving closer to
our final destination.


-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly [mailto:Kimberly.Watson@ENRON.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:23 PM
To: janell_dye@hotmail.com; dennis_dye@hotmail.com;
paul.donnelly@bakeratlas.com; john.watson@pdq.net
Subject: FW: Italy car and ferry

J, D, P and J,

Here is a previous email from the travel agency regarding car and ferry
info. I have asked Dee to book the overnight ferry from Palermo to
Naples. I believe that we still have a 6 hour drive to Lucca, but that
will put us there sooner than the overnight ferry to Livorno with a 2
hour drive. She is also confirming the car and rate for us (approx $742
for each car).

FYI, I have received a few more faxes from available Rome Hotels, but
none of them have a better location that what we have booked and a few
of them were even more expensive than what we have booked. Janell is on
the hunt for a Florence hotel. I will prepare faxes in mass for
Florence tonight and send them out tomorrow.

Dorothy called me yesterday and wanted to know how our plans are coming.
She and Tom are very sad that they will not be able to join us. I told
her we will drink for them everyday and have them in our thoughts. She
is doing well and hopes to return to the office in about three weeks on
a part time basis.

Also, John and I are confirmed in a Rome hotel for the 11th-13th which
is only about 5 blocks from the train station where we will return the
cars. We can put everyone's luggage in our room when we return to Rome
and have a nice dinner before you guys taxi to the airport to return

I will keep you posted as we hear more.

Thanks, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dee Espinoza [mailto:dee.espinoza@travelpark.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:25 PM
To: 'kim.watson@enron.com'
Subject: Italy car and ferry

I have 2 Alamo full size 4 dr/5 passenger cars reserved for you. We do
have to prepay. The all-inclusive
rate is 1,617250. ITL (approx 742.00) for the 12 days. This includes
collision and theft insurance, taxes and
unlimited mileage. I think that this is very good. 1 car booked under
Watson and 1 under Dennis Dye.
They are manuals.

The ferry from Palermo to Naples is daily, departing at 800pm, arriving
700am. It looks as though the vehicles will cost between 111,600 and
each. The passengers in a double outside cabin are 96,500 to 111,500. )
believe, per passenger.

The ferry from Palermo to Livorno departs at 1100pm and arrives the next
about 5pm. The double outside suite is
240,000. The coach seat is 120,000. Each car is 175,000 to 205,000. I
to verify if the cabin rate includes the
passenger fee.

I had found a ferry to Salerno, but it only operates 1 day a week, not
day you need.
I'll get back to you.


Dee Espinoza
Travel Agency in the Park
1221 Lamar, ste 718
Houston, Tx 77010
713-860-1176 - direct line
713-650-7022 - fax

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