Enron Mail

To:'donnelly@enron.com, paul.donnelly@bakeratlas.com
Subject:RE: Lunch on Friday
Date:Fri, 9 Nov 2001 05:46:44 -0800 (PST)


I'm am sorry that I will not be able to meet you for lunch today. I have been on the road travelling for the past two weeks and have over 250 emails to catch up on. I do look forward to catching up with you guys on Sunday. Good luck at the dentist.

Thanks, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Donnelly, Paul [mailto:Paul.Donnelly@bakeratlas.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 4:41 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly; McCarran, Penny
Subject: Lunch on Friday

I've got a dentist appointment at 11:00 on Friday. Same place on Shepherd I
have been going.

Are either one of you available for lunch after that?

Paul Donnelly
Quality Manager, HTC
713-625-6679 phone

PS: Power is doing fine with his cast. Penny, if you haven't heard, he
broke his arm last week in a bike wreck.