Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Replacement of J Bolton
Date:Thu, 15 Nov 2001 12:08:33 -0800 (PST)


Although we skimmed the surface on board replacements for Jim, we should probably start a list of potential candidates. Some of the names we mentioned last night were:

Bill Tarter
Lenore Fenberg
Muffin Alfred

Any other names that come to mind?

.....Will Eucker, Art, Tammi Semi, Carolyn Brown, Ken O'Neill... are other people who have been involved in various efforts. Your thoughts?

Thanks, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paula N. O'Neill [mailto:pnoneill@mail.db.uth.tmc.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 5:38 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: Re: Replacement of J Bolton

You sure can. How about meeting in the lobby at 6:30 PM.

"Watson, Kimberly" wrote:

< Paula, Can I catch a ride with you?
< Thanks, Kim.
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Paula N. O'Neill [mailto:pnoneill@mail.db.uth.tmc.edu]
< Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 4:25 PM
< To: Spires2500@aol.com
< Cc: Paula.N.ONeill@uth.tmc.edu; Watson, Kimberly;
< houshyar@the-spires.com
< Subject: Re: Replacement of J Bolton
< Great, see you there.
< Paula
< Spires2500@aol.com wrote:
< < How about Hungary's at 6:45pm?
< <
< < Cary will also be with us.
< <
< < Houshyar
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