Enron Mail

To:david.roensch@enron.com, steven.harris@enron.com
Subject:RE: SJ Pipe Settling
Cc:darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com, michelle.lokay@enron.com
Bcc:darrell.schoolcraft@enron.com, michelle.lokay@enron.com
Date:Sat, 25 Aug 2001 08:57:44 -0700 (PDT)


Darrell informed Burlington late on Friday that we will have an unplanned o=
utage next week for two days. We will talk with their commercial folks on =
Monday morning to make sure that they are in the loop. We anticipate that =
we can be back online by September business so Burlington can proceed ahead=
with their September business as usual. We will also talk with the other =
SJ players to help fill the gap so that we can maintain 800,000MMBtu/d down=
the lateral while Burlington is down. =20

Thanks, Kim. =20


-----Original Message-----
From: =09Roensch, David =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 24, 2001 5:28 PM
To:=09Harris, Steven
Cc:=09Watson, Kimberly
Subject:=09RE: SJ Pipe Settling

The effect will be to the Burlington (low pressure) system only. We can s=
till flow 800 mmcfd down the lateral, we will just need to make up the low =
pressure volumes recieved from Burlington through the high pressure custome=
rs. I've discussed with Darryl....

Today Burlington is flowing approximately 130 mmcfd. Limited to 800 mmcfd =
down the lateral due to Gallups condition. =20
---------------------- Forwarded by David Roensch/ET&S/Enron on 08/24/2001 =
04:24 PM ---------------------------
From:=09Steven Harris/ENRON@enronXgate on 08/24/2001 06:08 PM CDT
To:=09David Roensch/ET&S/Enron@ENRON

Subject:=09RE: SJ Pipe Settling

What will be the volume impact during the outage? Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Roensch, David =20
Sent:=09Friday, August 24, 2001 3:33 PM
To:=09Jolly, Rich; Chanley, Earl; Spalding, Norm; Rance, Byron; Eisenstein,=
Arnold L.; Rice, Randy; Stephens, LD; Schoolcraft, Darrell; January, Steve=
n; Watson, Kimberly; San-Juan, Team; Gormley, John; DeLosSantos, Ernie; Faj=
ardo, Leo; McCracken, Mike; Asante, Ben; Matthews, Ron; Osborn, Roger; Gott=
sponer, Morgan; McIlwain, Greg
Cc:=09Lowry, Phil; Harris, Steven; Soldano, Louis; Keller, John R.; David L=
Johnson/OTS/Enron@ENRON; Shafer, John
Subject:=09SJ Pipe Settling

A conf. call has been set up for Monday morning 9:00 a.m. CST to discuss a =
force majeure situation on the #3 unit at the San Juan Compressor Station. =
877-795-3687 pin 475577=20

Overview: (for those uninvolved to date)
In a walk through of the San Juan Station with the Team Thursday eveni=
ng 8/16 it was noted that severe settling issues on yard piping existed. T=
he Team had been working with Engineering on developing an action plan to a=
ddress over the last several months. Upon a visual inspection we requested=
that the Team contact a local contractor and have the pipe cover (dirt) re=
moved immediately to allow the piping to relieve itself. This would provid=
e the necessary time to follow up with Engineering and attain feedback on t=
he status of the project and implement remedies. The Team had a contractor=
on location the following Monday 8/20, and work removing the cover was com=
pleted this Monday 8/27. However, the expected results were not achieved. =
In other words the piping did not spring back to the degree that pipe stre=
ss concerns were eliminated. We requested that a structural engineer be se=
nt to the site immediately to evaluate the integrity of the piping. He was=
on location Thursday morning (8/29). In a phone conversation with Phil Di=
ckenson (Trigon structural engineer) he mentioned that his immediate concer=
n was how this much displacement could not induce high stresses. However, =
no pipe coating cracks were visible so he wanted an opportunity to input th=
e data in a model and evaluate prior to making any recommendations. He did=
offer, that at a minimum, we stand a good chance of exceeding the .5 desig=
n factor, but without reviewing the data further he would not commit to a c=
onclusion. We asked that he work through the evening, if required, to prov=
ide the necessary information with regards to the pipes integrity. While =
waiting on Trigons report, we notified the Team and asked that they contact=
Foutz & Bursham (local pipeline contractor) and get an evaluation from the=
m on the estimated down time it would require in a worst case scenario to m=
ake the repairs/replacements. (4 to 5 days) We then requested that the Ro=
swell CDC (Ernie DeLosSantos) determine the availability of approximately 1=
50" of X42 356 wall 10" pipe, 12 ea. Y42 365 wall 90's, and 1 ea. Y42 365 =
wall 45. (all material is available at Redman Supply in Farmington) =20

Conclusion: =20
Mr. Dickenson called with the results this morning and informed us tha=
t we appear to be exceeding allowable stress levels. The stress levels cal=
culated by Dickinson were in excess of yield as follows: 1.09% of SMYS at =
the connection between the recycle/surge line and the discharge header, and=
1.01% of SMYS at the elbow immediately outside the building wall on the 10=
" recycle line. His recommendation was that the piping be cut and re-wel=
ded to return the piping to a lower stress condition and that suitable pipe=
supports, not subject to subsidence, be provided.

Conference calls with Engineering (Spalding, Eisenstein, Rance, Pebdan=
i, Minnoti ???) were set up to review the data with Mr. Dickenson and it wa=
s decided to have Greg McIlwain on location Monday in conjunction with Mike=
McCracken to initiate the necessary repairs. After much discussion with D=
ickenson with regards to the modeling performed, Engineering indicated that=
the system is Operational and therefore we will remain loaded until early =
next week when repairs are made. The repairs will be isolated to the #3 un=
it only so, the downtime is not expected to exceed 2 days (48 hours). Howe=
ver, furhter evaluation by McIlwain will confirm timelines. =20

If anyone has questions through the weekend prior to Mondays call, I can be=
reached at 520-853-3253.