Enron Mail

Subject:RE: San Antonio
Date:Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:24:18 -0700 (PDT)

I agree with you on the Lexus. I'm not sure we should take it out long distance. If Gary doesn't mind, that would be great.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Watson [mailto:jwatson@nwdiagnostic.com]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 1:23 PM
To: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: RE: San Antonio

Are you comfortable with us taking the Lexus? Gary has offered to let us
take his car out and then I'll drive it back on Thursday (he, Lora Lee, Ivy
and an aunt are heading off to a B & B in the hill country after the
meeting). I'd almost rather do that than chance the Lexus' transmission,
given how jumpy it was when I drove it over the weekend.

Besides, I don't think we could fit three persons' luggage in the trunk of
the Volvo.


-----Original Message-----
From: Watson, Kimberly [mailto:Kimberly.Watson@enron.com]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 1:07 PM
To: jwatson@nwdiagnostic.com
Subject: RE: San Antonio

No problem, it will be nice to visit with him.


PS. Does this mean that I will be in the back seat of the convertable?
If so, I'm afraid we will have to ride with the top up.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Watson [mailto:jwatson@nwdiagnostic.com]
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 11:46 AM
To: Watson, Kimberly
Subject: San Antonio

Kim -

Gary Heaton is going to ride with us to SA on Friday. I'll pick him up
noon and then we'll head down to you or to the Spires and leave from


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