Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Weekly Project List
Date:Thu, 3 Jan 2002 15:31:41 -0800 (PST)

No, I was not aware of this. Thanks for taking the lead on this, please le=
t me know if you need my assistance. =20

Thanks, Kim.

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Williams, Jo =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 03, 2002 4:03 PM
To:=09Watson, Kimberly
Subject:=09FW: Weekly Project List

Were you aware of this problem? I will pursue unless you already have....

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Chanley, Earl =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 03, 2002 3:15 PM
To:=09Williams, Jo
Subject:=09RE: Weekly Project List

The project C.014724 - Gray County Pipeline - was ready fro service on 12-1=
4-01. The Interconnect C.014798 - Gray County Interconnect - has not gone i=
nto service because of the bankruptcy filing by Enron. Vendors, will not sh=
ip us some transmitters and other start up materials unless we can pay for =
them up front. We have tried to work with them on payments and no luck to d=
ate. We are trying another option where a local contractor will purchase th=
e material and we will pay them for the service. As soon as we can get thes=
e issues settled, we can place the I/C into service.

Earl Chanley

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Williams, Jo =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:28 PM
To:=09Eagle, Monica; Chanley, Earl
Subject:=09RE: Weekly Project List

I don't see an update to C104724. Did this go into service in December?

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Eagle, Monica =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:50 PM
To:=095440; Alexander, James C.; Alters, Dennis; Bacon, Darrell; Bayles, Ti=
mothy; Bragg, Kimberly; Brasher, Barney; Brown, Ricky; Carethers, Ann; Carr=
iere, Frank; Cebryk, Doug; Chanley, Earl; Clark, Scott; Clements, David; Di=
az, Armando; Dushinske, John; Eisenstein, Arnold L.; Farrell, Sharon; Fuhre=
r, Paul; Gallishaw, Melinda; Geheb, Robert; Gilbert, Tom; Gottsponer, Morga=
n; Graham, Charlie; Halpin, Tom; Honey, Lisa; Hubbard, Dave; Johnson, Richa=
rd C ; Jolly, Rich; Jones, Vera; Kalmus, Steve; Kennelly Sr., John; Ladish,=
Kim; Lavine, Mark; Lebeau, Randy; Lowry, Phil; Martin, Jerry D.; Mathews, =
Greg; McCrary, Martin; McGee, Johnny; McGillivray, RR; Mertz, Tom; Miller, =
Dave S. (Houston); Miller, Kent; Nelson, Mike; Neubauer, Dave; Odneal, Dave=
; Osburn, Frank; Pham, Daniel ; Prigmore, Patty; Reinecke, Bryan; Ritchey, =
Ted; Smith, Lyman W.; Smith, Mike L.; Spalding, Norm; Stephens, LD; Stotts,=
Regina; Sztroin, David; Teal, Mike; Thomas, Timothy; Trayer, Deaun; Turner=
, Jeffrey; Wagner, Chuck; Weatherford, Allan; Will, John; Williams, Jo; Wil=
liams, Rebecca; Woods, Ryan
Subject:=09Weekly Project List

<< File: Master 02-01-03.xls <<=20
Monica Eagle
Enron Transportation Services
713-646-7660 Office
281-664-5480 Facsimile