Enron Mail

To:mansoor.abdmoulaie@enron.com, lorraine.lindberg@enron.com,morgan.gottsponer@enron.com
Subject:RE: WT-1 to Sta-9 Capacity
Cc:eric.faucheaux@enron.com, kimberly.watson@enron.com
Bcc:eric.faucheaux@enron.com, kimberly.watson@enron.com
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 05:42:45 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks for verifying the flow conditions out of WT-1, it appears we might have 35 mmcfd extra capacity above the 550 mmcfd WT-1 discharge capacity, using your assumptions. Can you please check the following flow scenario using the stated FT conditions:

1. EPFS flowing 85 mmcfd into the high discharge of WT-1.
2. Crawford, Atoka, Maljamar , Zia and WT-2 bypassed gas which totals 500 mmcfd.

Can Sta 9 still handle the pressure, and what is the breakdown of volumes at each of the points on the suction side of WT-1?
I show FT volumes of about 500 mmcf on the discharge of WT-1 in Nov & Dec of 02. I need to know if the 85 mmcfd at EPFS Eddy can be dedicated to the expansion receipts. I think that there is some Crawford gas available in excess of their 40 mmcfd of current firm, that can be dedicated to the expansion receipts, but I need to know that volume. I will get with you to figure out the point volumes this morning sometime.

Morgan would like to have a brief meeting to discuss these options sometime this afternoon. Let me know what I can do to assist in your analysis.

Thanks PT 3-0667

From: Lorraine Lindberg/Enron@enronXgate on 05/14/2001 02:24 PM
To: Mansoor Abdmoulaie/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Perry Frazier/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Eric Faucheaux/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Morgan Gottsponer/ENRON@enronXgate, Kimberly Watson/ENRON@enronXgate

Subject: RE: WT-1 to Sta-9 Capacity

Thanks Mansoor.

Perry - How much Central Pool gas accounts for the 550 MMBtu/d that we already have sold through WT-1?

-----Original Message-----
From: Abdmoulaie, Mansoor
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:19 PM
To: Lindberg, Lorraine
Cc: Frazier, Perry; Faucheaux, Eric; Gottsponer, Morgan
Subject: WT-1 to Sta-9 Capacity


The questioins were:

1) What volume of gas can be received from Elapso-Field-Services ( on discharge side of WT-1) and NGPL- Eddy assuming that 550 mmcf/d is the capacity of WT-1 flowing north to Sta-9 :

Elpaso NGPL-Eddy Total at Sta-9
Option-1 10 25 585 mmcf/d
Option-2 15 20 585 mmcf/d
Option-3 0 35 585 mmcf/d

In this scenario the pipe can handle up to 585 mmcf/d.

2) What is the pipeline capacity from WT-2 flowing north to WT-1:

WT-1 discharge pressure WT-2 discharge pressure Line capacity

970 psig 1040 psig 250 mmcf/d
980 1040 244
985 1040 215

The maximum capacity of this line is 250 mmcf/d and it is depend on the operating pressure of WT-1 on a every day basis..
